Monday, May 31, 2010

At least 10 activists die as Israel intercepts Gaza aid flotilla - Los Angeles Times

At least 10 activists die as Israel intercepts Gaza aid flotilla

Los Angeles Times

Israel's military says troops come under fire when they move in on vessels carrying humanitarian supplies to the Gaza Strip. Protesters c »

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Latest effort to stop oil leak fails - Detroit Free Press


Latest effort to stop oil leak fails

Detroit Free Press

COVINGTON, La. -- With the failure of its latest attempt to plug the biggest oil spill in US history, BP was preparing Saturday evening to try still another method -- c »

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Local crews begin Gulf Coast cleanup - CNN


Local crews begin Gulf Coast cleanup


By the CNN Wire Staff Venice, Louisiana (CNN) -- Local teams in Louisiana will start a cleanup Saturday aimed at protecting coastal marshes while BP continues its efforts to stop oil from gushing into the Gulf of Mexico. Plaquemines Parish President ...

In Oil Spill Saga, Mysteries of the Deep Persist

ABC News

Frustration, Fury Greet Obama in Gulf

W »

Friday, May 28, 2010

BP says Gulf oil leak is 'environmental catastrophe' - CNN International

The Hindu

BP says Gulf oil leak is 'environmental catastrophe'

CNN International

(CNN) -- BP's top official, who had previously said the environmental impact on Gulf of Mexico would be modest, upgraded his assessment Friday to an "environmental catastrophe." Also Friday, engineers in the Gulf tried the "junk shot" method in an ...

BP: 48 hours before 'top kill' success is known

BP: 48 hours before clear if mud stops oil leak

The Associated Press

BP: Gulf Spill Response Has Cost It $930M So Far

ABC News

Naples Daily News -Times Online -The Guardian


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Louisiana Fishermen Helping in Spill Cleanup Report Getting Sick - FOXNews


Louisiana Fishermen Helping in Spill Cleanup Report Getting Sick


Some Louisiana fishermen affected by the massive oil spill in the Gulf â€" including some hired by BP to help in the cleanup â€" are reporting cases of debilitating headaches, burning eyes and nausea, and some industry and public officials are pointing the ...

Reports: Obama to visit Gulf Coast oil spill on Friday

USA Today

URGENT: Obama to visit Louisiana coast on Friday


Report shows close ties between rig inspectors, oil industry

Washington Post

Reuters -BBC News -The Associated Press


Monday, May 24, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Ordered To Wear Alcohol-Monitoring Bracelet By Judge -

New York Times (blog)

Lindsay Lohan Ordered To Wear Alcohol-Monitoring Bracelet By Judge

On Monday (May 24), a stern Superior Court judge warned troubled actress Lindsay Lohan that she needs to keep on the straight and narrow if she wishes to avoid a return trip to jail. After Lohan missed her initial court date last week ...

Lindsay Lohan will have to wear an alcohol-monitoring bracelet, have weekly ...

New York Daily News

Lindsay Lohan: Drug Testing, Monitoring Bracelet Ordered

ABC News

Lindsay Lohan Ordered to Wear Alcohol-Monitoring Bracelet

People Magazine

USA Today -San Jose Mercury News -The Associated Press


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Iran Demands US Propose Prisoner Swap for Three US Hikers Labeled 'Spies' - FOXNews

Washington Post

Iran Demands US Propose Prisoner Swap for Three US Hikers Labeled 'Spies'


Iran said on Sunday that the three American hikers arrested last July near the Iraq border were spies and demanded the US propose a prisoner swap to secure their release. May 21: Sarah Shourd, left, hugs her mother Nora Shourd, as Shane Bauer, ...

Iran says U.S. "hikers" spies, proposes prisoner swap


Iran spy chief says 3 jailed Americans are spies

The Associated Press

Iran positive detained Americans spies

Press TV

CNN -New York Times -Washington Post


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Obama Picks Graham, Reilly to Probe Gulf Oil Spill - BusinessWeek

The Hindu

Obama Picks Graham, Reilly to Probe Gulf Oil Spill


May 22 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama named Democrat Bob Graham, a former US senator and Florida governor, and Republican William Reilly, a former Environmental Protection Agency administrator, to lead a presidential ...

Frustration mounts as oil seeps into Gulf wetlands

The Associated Press

BP oil spill: A deadly, brown beach leaves a bitter trail

GOP says more action, less talk needed to combat oil spill

USA Today

Reuters -W »

Friday, May 21, 2010

BP oil spill reaches delicate wetlands of Louisiana - The Guardian

The Guardian

BP oil spill reaches delicate wetlands of Louisiana

The Guardian

Thick sheets of crude oil spread through the delicate wetlands of Louisiana today, as the BP oil spill continued to threaten the American coastline. Local reports described heavy sheets of oil the consistency of latex paint clogging the marshes in the ...

BP swamped by criticism; spilled oil keeps coming


BP Collecting Less Oil From Gulf Leak

W »

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Works by Picasso and Matisse Stolen From Paris Museum - New York Times

The Guardian

Works by Picasso and Matisse Stolen From Paris Museum

New York Times

PARIS â€" A lone hooded man who squirmed through a broken window and evaded security alarms stole five paintings by Picasso, Matisse and other artists overnight Wednesday from the Paris Museum of Modern Art, in a brash theft valued at ...

Five paintings worth nearly $613 million stolen by lone thief in Paris

New York Daily News

Are Art Thieves Getting Bolder?

The Atlantic

Factbox - High profile art thefts


Times Online -WEAR -Boston Globe


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Federal Agency Chief Admits Lapses in Gulf Oil Spill - New York Times

Federal Agency Chief Admits Lapses in Gulf Oil Spill

New York Times

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, facing Congress for the first time since the Deepwater Horizon oil well blowout in the Gulf of Mexico last month, said Tuesday that weaknesses at his agency's Minerals Management Service ...

Oil Drillers' 'Ire' Raised by Tougher Oversight


Oil's true cost

BBC News

Some oil spill events from Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Associated Press

NPR -Reuters -W »

Monday, May 17, 2010

Supreme Court limits life sentences without parole for young criminals - Los Angeles Times

ABC News

Supreme Court limits life sentences without parole for young criminals

Los Angeles Times

In a 6-3 decision, the court strikes down laws in Florida, California and 35 other states that  »

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Huge oil plumes found under Gulf as BP struggles - The Associated Press

ABC News

Huge oil plumes found under Gulf as BP struggles

The Associated Press

ROBERT, La. â€" Oil from a blown-out well is forming huge underwater plumes as much as 10 miles long below the visible slick in the Gulf of Mexico, scientists said as BP wrestled for a third day Sunday with its latest contraption for slowing the nearly ...

Ten-mile oil plume found beneath Gulf of Mexico surface

The Guardian

More delays in plugging oil leak

BBC News

Despite media reports, BP says efforts to connect mile-long pipe to cap oil is ...

New York Times -Voice of America -Times Online


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Thailand PM Abhisit in pledge to end Bangkok protest - BBC News

Sydney Morning Herald

Thailand PM Abhisit in pledge to end Bangkok protest

BBC News

Thailand's PM Abhisit Vejjajiva has said troops will "push forward" with an operation to end an anti-government protest in the heart of Bangkok. He said military intervention was the only way to end the protest. Clashes between troops and protesters ...

U.S., UK issue warnings on Bangkok


On the scene: Bangkok at boiling point


More deaths in Bangkok standoff

Los Angeles Times -BusinessWeek -Vancouver Sun


Friday, May 14, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010

FBI searches Watertown, Brookline in NYC bomb probe - Boston Globe

FBI searches Watertown, Brookline in NYC bomb probe

Boston Globe

Authorities are searching a home on Waverley Avenue in Watertown in connection with the investigation of the attempted bombing in Times Square earlier this month, the FBI said this morning. ...

Search warrants executed in Times Square probe


FBI Raids in Northeast Are Linked to Bomb Case

New York Times

Times Square Case Prompts Raids in Boston, New York Area

W »

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Child may be lone survivor in Libya plane crash - CNN International

CNN International

Child may be lone survivor in Libya plane crash

CNN International

By the CNN Wire Staff (CNN) -- A child is believed to be the only survivor of a passenger plane crash in Libya Wednesday that may have killed more than 100 people, an official said. The plane was carrying 93 passengers and 11 crew members when it ...

Libya plane crash - 'at least one Briton on board'

BBC News

Libya crash plane passed European spot-checks


At least one Briton in Libyan plane crash

Christian Science Monitor -Xinhua -Vanity Fair


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Elena Kagan Takes Center Stage in 2010 Campaign Battles - CBS News

Elena Kagan Takes Center Stage in 2010 Campaign Battles

CBS News

In what is sure to be a heated midterm election year, Republicans and Democrats alike are already seizing on President Obama's nomination of Solicitor General Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court as a campaign issue. "The nomination will be used for two ...

5 myths about Supreme Court confirmations

Washington Post

Kagan's role against military recruitment studied

The Associated Press

Supreme Court confirmations, as Elena Kagan saw them

Christian Science Monitor

USA Today -The Atlantic -New York Times


Monday, May 10, 2010

Elena Kagan "Honored and Humbled" by Supreme Court Nomination - CBS News

The Guardian

Elena Kagan "Honored and Humbled" by Supreme Court Nomination

CBS News

"I am honored and I am humbled by this nomination and by the confidence you have shown in me," Kagan told the president in the East Room of the White House. She said the honor was deepened by the fact that she was replacing Stevens, who had long played ...

Leahy: Kagan should get Senate vote before August

Washington Post

First Read: No surprises from Obama

REFILE-Top US Senate Judiciary Dem. seeks Kagan OK by August


U.S. News & World Report -Deseret News -WNYC


Sunday, May 9, 2010

BP wrestles with oil spill hitch - BBC News

Globe and Mail

BP wrestles with oil spill hitch

BBC News

Engineers from oil company BP are scrambling to find a way to contain oil gushing from a well on the seafloor of the Gulf of Mexico. BP has met problems with a containment box it tried to lower over the blown-out well in order to funnel the leaking oil ...

BP's first attempt to divert Gulf oil leak fails

The Associated Press

Gulf oil spill: Quick fix dashed as BP tower fails to contain oil

The Guardian

BP Oil-Collection Chamber Clogs, Removed From Leaking Gulf Well

BusinessWeek -W »

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Lib Dems must look at big picture, says Lord Carlile - BBC News

The Hindu

Lib Dems must look at big picture, says Lord Carlile

BBC News

A senior Welsh Liberal Democrat says his party could go into government without a deal on electoral reform. Lord Carlile said it was naive to think there had to be an agreement on proportional representation (PR). The ex-Montgomeryshire MP stressed he ...

British election: What it means for the UK and the US

Christian Science Monitor

UK Liberal Democrats mull pact with Conservatives

The Associated Press

UK parties to meet on Sunday to discuss gov't deal


The Guardian -New York Times (blog) -Times Online


Friday, May 7, 2010

Regulators look to soothe markets' raw nerves - Reuters

Times Online

Regulators look to soothe markets' raw nerves


NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Securities and Exchange Commission held urgent discussions on Friday to calm investors' raw nerves a day after a plunge of nearly 1000 points in the Dow Jones industrial average, during which some stocks lost more ...

Stock plunge raises alarm on algo trading


U.S. Stocks Start Firm on Jobs Report

W »

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Pakistan Taliban: Faisal Shahzad Not One of Us - CBS News

The Guardian

Pakistan Taliban: Faisal Shahzad Not One of Us

CBS News

Since Faisal Shahzad's arrest in the failed Times Square car bombing, authorities have been looking closely at whether the Pakistan Taliban played a role in planning the attack. A source told CBS News that it is "increasingly plausible" the militant ...

4 questioned in Pakistan over NY bomb suspect

Washington Post

Faisal Shahzad 'carried out dry run' before Times Square attack

Times Online

Which Pakistani group inspired Times Square suspect?


Vanity Fair -The Atlantic -ABC News


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

NY bomb suspect probed for links abroad - Reuters

NY bomb suspect probed for links abroad


NEW YORK (Reuters) - Investigators questioned the suspected Times Square bomber hoping to uncover links he might have had to foreign militant groups and US media said he could appear in a New York court on Wednesday. Faisal Shahzad, 30, who was born in ...

Where in Pakistan did Faisal Shahzad learn bomb-making skills?

Christian Science Monitor

US tightens no-fly rules after suspect in failed Times Square attack succeeds ...

Washington Post

Shahzad's Connecticut Associates under Scrutiny

CBS News

CNN International -The Atlantic -The Associated Press
