Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hurricane Alex could slam into northeast Mexico Wednesday night - CNN

Hurricane Alex could slam into northeast Mexico Wednesday night


By the CNN Wire Staff Jimmy Buffett is doing a benefit concert for the Gulf Coast, but first, the singer talks to Anderson Cooper about his love for the region. Don't miss "AC360°" at 10 pm ET Thursday. Miami, Florida (CNN) -- Gulf Coast residents ...

Gulf Hurricane Threatens Fragile Wetlands

W »

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

State Department Downplays Damage of Russian Spy Case - Voice of America

State Department Downplays Damage of Russian Spy Case

Voice of America

Photo: AP The State Department said Tuesday the break-up of an  »

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Argentina 3, Mexico 1 - USA Today

Sydney Morning Herald

Argentina 3, Mexico 1

USA Today

Johannesburg, South Africa (Sports Network) - Carlos Tevez and Gonzalo Higuain scored in a seven-minute stretch midway through the first half, and Argentina beat Mexico, 3-1, on Sunday at Ellis Park Stadium to return to the quarterfinals of the FIFA ...

World Cup Today

The Associated Press

Argentina 3-1 Mexico

Argentina beats Mexico 3-1 at World Cup

Atlanta Journal Constitution

Los Angeles Times -CNN -The Hindu


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Live chat: Ghana leads USA 2-1 in extra-time - USA Today

Live chat: Ghana leads USA 2-1 in extra-time

USA Today

Update: Asamoah Gyan half-volleys a goal in the 93rd minute and puts Ghana up 2-1 in extra-time. Update: With the game tied 1-1, the teams are now playing two 15-minute halves. If the score remains tied at the end of the 30 extra minutes, the game will ...

Ghana leads US 2-1 in extra time at World Cup

Atlanta Journal Constitution

World Cup: Ghana seizes 2-1 lead on US in extra time

Houston Chronicle

Ghana leads US 2-1 in extra time at World Cup

The Associated Press

Chicago Breaking Sports - Tribune -Los Angeles Times -New York Times


Friday, June 25, 2010

Apple admits iPhone 4 antenna issues - USA Today

BBC News

Apple admits iPhone 4 antenna issues

USA Today

Since the iPhone 4 went on sale Thursday, numerous reports have begun to appear online about consumers having strange issues with the antenna. Namely, that if they put their hand over the new steel band that encases the iPhone, they lose reception. ...

Apple's Jobs: You're Holding the iPhone 4 Wrong

PC Magazine

Apple's New iPhone Already Dropping C »

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Gates says he agrees with Obama decision on McChrystal - CNN

The Guardian (blog)

Gates says he agrees with Obama decision on McChrystal


By the CNN Wire Staff Defense Secretary Robert Gates, left, and Gen. Stanley McChrystal confer in Kabul, Afghanistan, in March. NEW: Defense chief says he backs president's decision on Gen. Stanley McChrystal Robert Gates: Tapping Gen. ...

In Afghanistan, Petraeus will have difficulty replicating his Iraq success

Washington Post

Obama: No Change in US Afghan Policy

Voice of America

Obama: Gen. David Petraeus Will 'Not Miss a Beat' in Afghanistan

ABC News

W »

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

McChrystal Resigns Over Critical Remarks, Obama Names Petraeus as Replacement - FOXNews

McChrystal Resigns Over Critical Remarks, Obama Names Petraeus as Replacement


President Obama announced Wednesday that he has accepted Gen. Stanley McChrystal's resignation as the commander of US forces in Afghanistan following a scathing article in which McChrystal and his aides were quoted criticizing the administration for ...

With McChrystal out, difficult Afghan mission gets harder

Washington Post

McChrystal out, Petraeus in

Los Angeles Times

Obama's choice: pros and cons of dumping general


The Associated Press -New York Daily News -Newsweek


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Judge Blocks Deep-Water Drilling Moratorium - New York Times


Judge Blocks Deep-Water Drilling Moratorium

New York Times

WASHINGTON â€" A federal judge in New Orleans on Tuesday blocked a six-month moratorium on deep-water drilling projects that the Obama administration had imposed in response to the vast oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. ...

Gulf rig owner criticizes Obama's drilling halt

Houston Chronicle

Offshore Drillers Shoot Higher,Then F »

Monday, June 21, 2010

BP CEO Tony Hayward 'too busy' meet with oil tycoons, goes AWOL amid Gulf ... - New York Daily News


BP CEO Tony Hayward 'too busy' meet with oil tycoons, goes AWOL amid Gulf ...

New York Daily News

Thick oil from the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill floats on the surface of the water. Embattled BP CEO Tony Hayward canceled his appearance at a meeting of international oil tycoons Tuesday and his firm wouldn't say where he was. ...

Hayward Being Sidelined After Shoddy Performance at BP Oil Spill


BP CEO cancels appearance at major oil conference

The Associated Press

Even Embattled Oil Company CEOs Need a Little Time Away, Executive Stress ...

ABC News -CBS News -Taipan Publishing Group


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Democrats continue hammering GOP over Barton apology to BP - CNN

Los Angeles Times

Democrats continue hammering GOP over Barton apology to BP


By the CNN Wire Staff Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, raised eyebrows last week with his defense of BP at a congressional hearing. Washington (CNN) -- A top Democrat kept up the Joe Barton drumbeat Sunday, saying the Republican legislator's defense of BP ...

Rahm Emanuel c »

Saturday, June 19, 2010

For US, yuan talk is good, action is better - Reuters


For US, yuan talk is good, action is better


WASHINGTON, June 19 (Reuters) - China's unexpected pledge on Saturday to  »

Friday, June 18, 2010

Ronnie Lee Gardner's life ends with hardly a word - Deseret News

Ronnie Lee Gardner's life ends with hardly a word

Deseret News

UTAH STATE PRISON â€" Following a flurry of last-minute appeals in a struggle to save his life, Ronnie Lee Gardner's life ended early Friday with hardly a word. "I do not, no," Gardner said when asked if he had any final last words, ...

Killer executed by Utah firing squad


US Firing Squad Executes Convicted Killer

Voice of America

Death by Twitter

BBC News

Baltimore Sun -Newsweek -The Guardian


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hayward testimony: BP contrite, but not ready to take all blame - Christian Science Monitor

New York Daily News

Hayward testimony: BP contrite, but not ready to take  »

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

White House, BP agree on oil spill damage fund; company to pay $20 billion - Los Angeles Times

Washington Post

White House, BP agree on oil spill damage fund; company to pay $20 billion

Los Angeles Times

BP is to put money over several years into an escrow account. It would be administered by Kenneth Feinberg, the attorney now in charge of executive pay under TARP. By Mike Memoli and Peter Nicholas, Washington Tribune Bureau The Obama administration ...

AP sources: BP to set up $20 billion fund for Gulf victims

USA Today

BP Agrees to Set Aside About $20 Billion for Spill Claims

New York Times

BP 'to fund $20bn spill payouts'

BBC News

Washington Post -W »

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Republicans Accuse Obama of 'Exploiting' Oil Crisis to Pass Stalled Energy Bill - FOXNews

Globe and Mail

Republicans Accuse Obama of 'Exploiting' Oil Crisis to Pass St »

Monday, June 14, 2010

BP unveils new oil spill plan as shares tumble - Reuters

BP unveils new oil spill plan as shares tumble


President Barack Obama walks with National Incident Commander US Coast Guard Admiral Thad  »

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Obama wants BP to establish spill escrow account - Reuters


Obama wants BP to establish spill escrow account


A handler holds the beak of an oil-covered pelican found off the Louisiana coast and affected by the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, at the Fort Jackson Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Buras, Louisiana in this handout taken June ...

Obama Plans to Force BP's Hand on Oil Spill Fund

New York Times

Obama to address US on Gulf spill, demand BP damage fund

USA Today

Obama to Address Nation Tuesday Night on Gulf Oil Spill


CNN -W »

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Rescued US Teen Sailor Wants Second Attempt at - FOXNews


Rescued US Teen Sailor Wants Second Attempt at


American teenager Abby Sunderland vowed Saturday that she would attempt to sail solo round the world again, after her first try at the record was thwarted when she became stranded for two nights in rough Indian Ocean seas. Sunderland was plucked from ...

Rescue teams reach stranded teen sailor


Teen sailor Abby Sunderland rescued by French fishermen

Times Online

Teenage sailor Abby Sunderland is rescued by French fishermen

The Associated Press -BBC News -Xinhua


Friday, June 11, 2010

Missing US yacht girl found safe in Indian Ocean - AFP

Missing US yacht girl found safe in Indian Ocean


SYDNEY â€" An American teenage girl was found safe with her damaged yacht on Friday after going missing in stormy Indian Ocean seas during a controversial attempt to sail solo round the world. An Australian search plane spotted Abby Sunderland, 16, ...

Rescue teams slated to reach stranded sailor in 24 hours


Help Is On The Way For American Teen Sailor

Voice of America

Lost, Found: Abby Sunderland, Teenage Sailor

Vanity Fair

The Australian -Napa V »

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Kane On Blackhawks' Stanley Cup Win - ESPN

Globe and Mail

Kane On Blackhawks' Stanley Cup Win


CHICAGO -- Chicago Blackhawks captain Jonathan Toews stepped off the team's chartered airplane just before 5 am ET Thursday, holding the Stanley Cup high above his head. He had offici »

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Analysis: Winners and losers in Tuesday's races - CNN

Globe and Mail

Analysis: Winners and losers in Tuesday's races


Arkansas Sen. Blanche Lincoln was one of the noteworthy winners in Tuesday primaries around the US Winners in Tuesday's primaries include Arkansas Sen. Blanche Lincoln South Carolina state Rep. ...

First thoughts: Lincoln's surprise

California women triumph; incumbent Lincoln wins in Arkansas

Washington Post

Lincoln Beats Anger on the Left

U.S. News & World Report

The Atlantic -CBS News -Christian Science Monitor


Monday, June 7, 2010

BP aims to gather up to 20000 bpd from oil spill - Reuters


BP aims to gather up to 20000 bpd from oil spill


WASHINGTON June 7 (Reuters) - BP Plc (BP.L) (BP.N) plans to increase the collection of oil at the site of the ruptured oil well in the Gulf of Mexico to about 20000 barrels per day, the US Coast Guard said on Monday. Thad  »

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Terror charge for men held at JFK - BBC News

Boston Globe

Terror charge for men held at JFK

BBC News

Two men who were arrested at New York's John F Kennedy Airport have been charged with conspiring to commit an act of international terrorism. US authorities say they intended to join a jihadist group in Somalia and kill American troops overseas. ...

2 NJ men arrested at airport on terrorism charges

The Associated Press

Two with  »