Monday, August 23, 2010

Auditor Testa leaving office in July - Business First of Columbus:
Testa, 61, said in an interview with Columbus Business First that his last day on the job will beJuly 31. He’a been with the county for 28 years and became auditorin 1992. “I’ve thoroughlhy enjoyed my job and its challengesand we’ve made some greart accomplishments, but I feel it’s the appropriatew time for me to change directions in my professionap career,” Testa said. “I tried to pick the best but there is noperfect time.
” a Republican, said his departure will come after an annual audi and a number of othert office duties that will wrap in the next 45 The county GOP will choos e his successor, who will then run for a full term next His plans for August and beyondf represent anything but a retirement. Testa said he plans to continuee teaching a competitive strategies classat ’s Fisher College of Businese and could pick up an additional class. A careere move beyond his four-year-old teaching job remains to be “I’ve been in the publi sector a long time and would like to get back to theprivatee side,” he said.
Testa, however, declined to rule out the possibility of eventuall returning to the publicd sector but said hehas “no specificv plans.” A full biography for Testaz is available at the auditor’s Web site .

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