Sunday, September 26, 2010

Wichita Business Journal: Business Events Calendar
Once approved, your event listing will appear on the Calendar until the day after the date you entert as itsend date. For example, if you entert June 8th as your event'a end date, your listing will be removerd from the Calendarat 12:00 a.m. on June 9th. Once I list an how long does it take before it is postesd to the BusinessEvents Calendar? To maintaimn the professional integrity of our site, each listinhg must go through an approval process prio r to being posted to the Events Calendar. In most this occurs within a few with the maximum being24 hours. Can I post my eventg listing as far in advanceas I'd like?
Yes, you can post event listings days, weeks or months in They will appear on the Calenda r until the day afte r your event's end Will my event listing also appear in the printg edition of the Business Journal? No, the Business Eventz Calendar is an online-only feature; any eventws posted through this system will only appear If I want to list a recurringf event each month, do I have to enter each one separately? Yes, each month'sz event would be considered as a separate There may be discounts for multiple listings. Pleasde contact us and a representativd will work with you to create a customized packagr to suityour needs.
Contact information is availables from the Can I select more than one category for myeventy listing? No, each event listing can only fall under one If more than one category applies to your eventf listing, we recommend choosingb the one that is most relevant. If I have a Businesas Events Calendar promotional/discount code, can I use it in any of bizjournals42 markets? No, each promotional/discount code is market-specififc and will only work in the markett for which it was originally What should I do if I need to make changes to my eveny listing after it has been posted online? Pleasee contact our local office.
Information is available from the Who shoul d I contact if I woulfd like to purchase an evenr listing over the phoneversus online? Please contac our local office. Information is available from the

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