Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mass. seeks bids for $157M in energy stimulus - Boston Business Journal:

The agency is preparing a comprehensive applicationb on behalf of municipal and private entitie s to send to the to receive its shar e of Energy Efficiency and Conservatiom BlockGrant funding, some $157 million. The DOER is soliciting projectsfor submission, and estimates abougt 72 projects will receive funding. Projects must be “shovelp ready,” or ready to begin withimn 120 days of receivingstimuluxs money. They also must work towards energy alternative energy or greenhouse gas emission reduction standards. Some of the projects eligibl e for funding include combined heat andpowee systems, district energy systems, waste energy recovery or high efficiency industria equipment.
Stimulus dollars will pay for up to 50 percent of approved projects. Proposals must be submitteed to the DOER byJune 30. “I encourags businesses, municipalities and others to come forwardx with proposals for putting this federao funding to work herein Massachusetts,” said DOER Commissione r Philip Giudice in a prepared written statement. “Increasingf investment in these innovative energy technologies will move us further along the path to a clean energy futurethat Gov. (Deval) Patrick is blazing for Massachusetts.

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