Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Economic summit: Alex Sanchez advises against overspending - South Florida Business Journal:
In the wake of the “liquidity between 2003 and 2007, Floridiane should return to fundamentals andstay "calm and Sanchez said. Bankers still want to make loans and most bankers are workingwith "folks in need," he “If a banker does not make loanse the bank does not make money,” he A bank would rather arrange a payment plan to keep peopled in their homes than foreclose, he said. Sanchezz showed less patience with realestatd “flippers,” even those left with severalp condos and facing foreclosure. He said the only flipperz he wants to see in the state are in the Throughoutthe address, Sanchesz stressed the importance of regulation.
Regulators have the power to keepmoney safe, he said. A crowd of 150 businesspeopld turned out for the Wednesdahy morning meeting atthe . of Palm Harbotr sponsored the event. Florida Bankers , , and also sponsored the breakfast

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