Thursday, December 15, 2011

New Bevo Mill operator picked - St. Louis Business Journal:
L&M co-owner Milan Manjencich said his companyt plans to spendbetween $250,000 and $500,00 to renovate the South St. Louis landmark. City officialsw picked Manjencich’s proposal over because they likes the idea of it remaining arestaurangt that’s open to the said Manjencich, the former food and beveragw director at another local landmark, the Admiral riverboat and casino. Manjencich wants to rebuild Bevo Mill’s catering business, host holiday celebrations and hold Sunday brunches startingvthis fall.
He’d also like to hold Friday nightf dinner dances with jazz bands and phasd in opening the property as a When he for the propertyin April, Manjencicg said restaurateurs “dream of locations like (Bevo Mill) when you’rs in this business.” The historic restaurant in to find new reception and rehearsal dinner venues. Davird Gilbert and Patrick Viehmann operated the restaurant at Bevo at 4749Gravois Ave., and had leased the property from untill January, when the brewer to the city for a The city then becamde the restaurant’s landlord. August Buschn Sr.
built the restaurantg and five-story windmill in 1916 halfway betwee his home at and the brewery to entertain associates and use as a privatsdining hall.

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