Friday, October 15, 2010

New state business group forms - Nashville Business Journal:
The council said it intends to workwith citizens, electedf officials and policy makers to developl a pro-business, pro-employment agenda. Council members include, , , , , , , and Madison'es . “When we talk abouft how we can sustain our qualityof we’re really talking about the need to establishy a better business one that opens the door to innovation and employment,” said Phil Prange, the council’s president and chiedf executive officer and owner of consulting firm . “Thes Wisconsin Business Council was established becausew we believe there are mutually beneficial solutions to the challengew weface today," Prange said.
"Ir the current economic downturn has made onething clear, it’sd that a flourishing private sector is critical for family-supportin g jobs and a robust tax base.” Scott VanderSanden, the council’d chairman and president of AT&T Wisconsin, says more must be done to energize and advance effortsx that promote Wisconsin as a good place to live and do “As the nation’s economy begins to smart businesses will be looking for opportunitie to resume growth,” VanderSanden says. “We need to make sure Wisconsin’sz business climate and policies welcome new investment and encouragejob creation.
We need to send a strong signalp that Wisconsin is a placre where businesses can grow and prosperf during the next business cycleand beyond.” Members of the council say the organization’s optimistix outlook and proactive stance will lead to a constructiv e dialogue among elected legislative leaders, policy experts and members of the generao public. Ultimately, however, the council’z private sector supporters will be looking forreal “Our future vitality requires a comprehensive strategy that recognizea the broad nature of our existing economic base and the unique strengthse of our work said Jim Senty, a member of the council’s advisory who also serves as president of Midwest Natural Gas, of La and chairman of Park Bank, of Madison.
“At the same we need to be realistic aboutg areas where our performance needs improvemenf and devise effective strategies to achieve new levelseof success.” Marc Marotta, a member of the Wisconsinn Business Council’s board of directores and former secretary of the Wisconsimn Department of Administration, said the state is fortunate because of the diverse nature of its industries, ranging from manufacturiny and agriculture to health care and However, the state’s work force lags the national average in the percentager of workers with advanced degrees and also falls below average in the numbedr of workers employed in what the U.S.
Departmenty of Labor classifiesas high-technology jobs. “The Wisconsin Business Council wants to give voice tothese issues, while engaging leadere throughout the state in an aggressived search for solutions,” said Prange. “From our solid K–12 schools and higher education system to our technical colleges and apprenticetraininbg programs, we have many of the key buildinbg blocks in place. At the same it’s clear more must be done to preserve thess assets and establish a more vibrantbusiness climate.

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