Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May Maui home sales off 40%, prices hold - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):

Prices also fell, but not by nearlyg as much, at least for single-familyg homes, according to statistics from the Realtoras Associationof Maui. The median price of a single-family home in Maui Countt last monthwas $487,500, whicj was the same as April, but 14 percenrt less than May 2008, when the median price was $567,000. The pricee for May was based on 55 salex on Maui and oneon Lanai, down 42 percent from May 2008 when there were 97 homese sold, including one on Lanai. The mediabn price of a Maui County condominium fellto $315,500, down 38 percenty from May 2008, when the median pricre was $512,500.
There were only 47 units sold last including oneon Molokai, a 44 percenft drop from May 2008, when 84 units, all on sold. The May numbersa are in line withthe year-to-date figures for Maui County. Salex of single-family homes for the first five months of the year were down 45 and themedian price, which was was 12 percent lower than the same perioe in 2008. Condo sales year-to-date were down 50 perceny from 2008, and the median condoi price of $412,000, was a 28 percenr decline from the same periodin 2008.

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