Tuesday, May 10, 2011

O'Malley unveils plans for $365M in stimulus transportation projects - Washington Business Journal:

A $3 million renovation of the BWI Rail Statiojin Hanover, new hybrids busses and improvements to the Port of Baltimore are among the projectzs O’Malley hopes to launch with the infusion of federal “We are acting immediately to get transportation projects out the door so we can preservw jobs, protect families and improve the economy in everyu region of our state,” O’Malleyg said in a statement. O’Malley’s office did not say how soon the projectescould begin. On Tuesday, Presidenr Barack Obama signed off on the Americamn Recovery andReinvestment Act, a $787 billion stimulus plan intendedc to help jolt the American economyt out of a recession.
The plan includes about $500 billionh in new spending, including for roads, transit and related transportation improvements. With regarcd to transportation spending in the state’s emphasis is on system preservation rather than on new highwayt projects, spokesman Jack Cahalan said earlier this The state is evaluating a wide range of “shovel-ready that can start construction soon, and more announcemente will be made as that study period is Cahalan said. In total, the stimulus will provide at least $610 million, supportinbg nearly 10,000 jobs, throughout the state, O’Malley’s office said. $65.
6 million for 100 new hybrid busses, to be deployeds in the Baltimore region and to generate an estimatedr1561 jobs; • $5.3 million in unspecified improvementw to Light Rail systems across Greatert Baltimore, estimated to generate 126 jobs; A $3 million renovation of the BWI Light Rail station, to generatwe 71 jobs; and, • $4 milliomn in canopy and window improvements to Penn Station in midtowh Baltimore, to generate 95 new jobs.

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