Thursday, June 30, 2011

Obama: Public plan would
If insurance companies do provide good insurancee totheir customers, then they should have nothing to fear from a government-ru competitor, he said. “They should be able to he said. If the publifc plan is able to reduce administrativrecosts significantly, private insurers shoulcd take note and see if they can do the “There shouldn’t be any objection to that,” Obama said. The publi plan should be required tocollecft premiums, not be “simplh eating off the taxpayer trough,” he added.
Health insurers and many businesws groups contend a public plan woulde have an unfair advantage becauserit wouldn’t be subject to all the ruless imposed on private insurers and likely would pay health providers less for theitr services. This could crowd out many private insurers and lead providers to charge private insurers more to make up for the lost incomee from thepublic plan, they When asked whether including a public plan in healtu care reform was non-negotiable, the president “We are still early in this process.
“Wre have not drawn a line in the sand, otherf than reform has to controlk costs, and it has to provide reliecf to peoplewho don’t have health insurancde or are underinsured.” Obama also was askedx what he thought about the performance of Federalk Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, given the fact his financial regulatory reform plan proposezs expanding the Fed’s authority. “I thinko he has done a very good job under verydifficulyt circumstances,” Obama said. All regulators fell short of doingy what was needed to prevent the financial but theFed “probably performed better than most,” he said.
Sincs the financial crisis erupted, Bernanke has “performede very well,” Obama said.

Monday, June 27, 2011

WIS CHIEF JUSTICE SHIRLEY ABRAHAMSON and Justices Prosser and Bradley should GO - Gretawire (blog)

USA Today

WIS CHIEF JUSTICE SHIRLEY ABRAHAMSON and Justices Prosser and Bradley should GO

Gretawire (blog)

And fin »

Saturday, June 25, 2011

A.M. Best Revises Outlook to Stable of Greater Beneficial Union of Pittsburgh - Business Wire (press release)

A.M. Best Revises Outlook to Stable of Greater Beneficial Union of Pittsburgh

Business Wire (press release)

OLDWICK, NJ--(BUSINESS WIRE)--AM Best Co. has revised the outlook to stable from negative and affirmed the financial strength rating of B++ (Good) and issuer credit rating of “bbb” of Greater Beneficial Union of Pittsburgh (GBU) (Pittsburgh, PA). ...

and more »

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Nintendo Wii U: la nuova console con il rivoluzionario controller. Il video ... - Corriere Informazione

Corriere Informazione

Nintendo Wii U: la nuova console con il rivoluzionario controller. Il video ...

Corriere Informazione

Se già la “Wii” aveva rivoluzionato il mondo dell'home gaming attraverso il controller senza fili Wii Remote (abbrev. “Wiimote”), la sua erede, che uscirà nel 2012, aggiunge un tocco in più: oltre a supportare l'alta definizione, sarà dotata di un ...

and more »

Monday, June 20, 2011

"Hangover" tattoo lawsuit settled - Reuters

Sydney Morning Herald

"Hangover" tattoo lawsuit settled


Warner Bros. has settled the lawsuit brought by Missouri tattoo artist S. Victor Whitmill over the mark on Helms' face, which Whitmill claimed infringed a copyrighted tattoo he created for boxer Mike Tyson. Terms of the settlement were not disclosed. ...

'Hango! ver 2' tattoo lawsuit settled

'Hangover II' tattoo suit settled; Ed Helms' ink remains intact (blog)

Hangover II Tattoo Legal Dramz Fin »

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Female ACI prisoners move into new facility in Cranston - Providence Journal

Female ACI prisoners move into new facility in Cranston

Providence Journal

CRANSTON â€" The Corrections Department has completed the move of its female medium-security inmates into a new prison on the grounds of the Adult Correctional Institutions, getting them out of a decaying building and into a newer one that ...

RI women's prison unveiled

Providence Eyewitness News

RI Corrections officials provide first glimpse of renovated women's prison

Washington Post


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Teach For America gets another Medtronic Foundation gift - Kansas City Business Journal:
million over the next thre yearsto . Portions of the fundinv will be used to increase the number of Teachn For America teachers with math andscienced backgrounds. It will also be used to provide resources for TeachhFor America’s programs in Memphid and Jacksonville, Fla. Medtronic operates its spinalo and biologics units from Memphia and also has operation sin Jacksonville. The funding will also support the possibl expansion of Teach For America into Minnesota.
The Medtroni Foundation has supported Teachj For Americasince 1994, including providiny $1 million in 2007 and 2008 for the developmen t of the national math and science Teach For America launched in Memphis in 2006 and the city is alread y considered one of the organization’s top It has more than 100 teacher in Memphis at local Teach For America recruits successful college graduatess to commit to teachj for two years in innefr city schools. The organization’s goal is to attract more graduatesa to the teaching profession and also creatr a pool of potentialschool administrators.
Wendy Kopp, foundeer and CEO of Teach For America, says the expansion of the partnershil between her organization and Medtronic will allow Teachg For America to provide enhancee training tothe 2,000 teachers it currently “By placing committed, well-prepared math and science teachers in area s of greatest need, we will increase student performance and sparl student interest in thesw fields, which is so critical to our nation’xs future,” Kopp said in a statement.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Unemployment rises in NM but remains below national levels - Houston Business Journal:
According to the , the unemploymenrt rate rose to 5.1 percenr in January, up from revised estimates of 4.7 percent in December and from 3.7 percenr a year ago. The nationakl unemployment ratewas 7.6 percent in Januaru and is now 8.1 percent, according to a reportr this week from the . The employment estimatesz have been revised to reducer sampling and other errorsin data, according to Workforcr Solutions. The revisions mean that employment growth was not quit e as strong in 2008 asoriginally measured.
The changeas also showed slightly weaker job growth for Albuquerqus and Santa Fe and slightly stronger job growth for Las The rateof over-the-year job growth was a negativ one percent, which translated to a loss of 8,600 It’s the first time the state has reported negative job growth since June 1991. The last period of sustainedd job losses in New Mexicko occurred from October 1986 throughjFebruary 1987. Only three industries saw job growtuh sincelast year: Education and health services, with 4,500 jobs; with 2,200 jobs (many at the local level in triballhy owned casinos); and mining and logging, with 600 jobs.
The gaind in mining employment are a carryover from last summer when commodityh prices werequite high, but recent layofcf announcements are not yet reflected in the job The construction industry, not unexpectedly, took the biggestg hit, reporting 5,500 fewer jobs in January 2009 than in Januaryy 2008. The state also lost 1,80o0 manufacturing jobs over the year. Retaipl trade lost 3,300 jobs and wholesale trade reported 700fewer jobs. The professional and businesas services sector was downby 1,300 jobs. Leisurr and hospitality reportedabougt 1,100 fewer jobs in January, mostly in the accommodatioj and food services areas.
The informatiobn industry was downas well, but the declinre was approximately 200 jobs. The state’se film industry has helped buoythis sector, althouggh it also has wild swingas in employment numbers given the nature of film production work. During intensive times of production, employmenf in the industry has been as manyas 3,0000 jobs above baseline levels, according to Workforc e Solutions. Luna County in southwest New Mexico had the highest unemploymenyt rate in the at nearly16 percent, followed by at 9.8 percent. Los Alamos Countu had the lowestunemployment rate, at 2.7 percent.
Among the state’as three largest metropolitan statisticap areas, Santa Fe had the lowest unemployment at 4.6 percent, up from a revised 4.3 percengt in December and 2.8 percent a year ago. The rate for the Albuquerque MSAwas 5.5 percent, up from 5.3 percenft in December and 3.7 percenyt a year ago. Las Cruces’ unemployment rate was 5.3 percent, up from 5.1 percentr in December and 4.1 percenyt in January 2008. Albuquerque has lost 3,400 jobs since January however education and health servicesa addedabout 2,400 jobs and governmenyt added 2,100 jobs. Local governmenft led the way with 1,600 jobs, many of them relatedc to tribal governments.
Retail trade lost 1,700 due in part to store and restaurant closures, such as Linens n’ Things and Mervyns. Manufacturing lost 1,10o0 jobs over the year, although current data does not includwe therecent layoffs. Construction lost 2,600 however the planned $2.5 billion upgradde of Intel’s Rio Rancho facility will generate 1,000 temporarg construction jobs. In Santa Fe, the rate of over-the-year job growthu was .8 percent, representing a gain of 500 jobs. Educationm and health services added 400 more than any otherprivate industry.
The governmentf sector also reported 400more jobs, all of which were added at the local Information jobs saw a downturn due to slowing productionh in the state’s film industry comparedc to last year. The city lost about 2,000 jobs from December to January. Las Cruces lost 2,90o jobs in January, mostlh from seasonal declines ingovernment employment. Stats government employment slippedby 2,100 jobs at the end of the semester at . But the area saw job growthn over the yearof .6 percent. Education and healthu services gained500 jobs.
Employment increasexs at call centers helped the professional and businessx services industry expand by 400 jobs overthe

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Groups Praise New Colorado Law to Protect Vulnerable Rivers, Streams
The bill creates a new, refundablee income tax credit for farmers and ranchers who donate their water to protec rivers and streams inthe state. A broad coalitioh of groups supportedthe legislation, includinhg Environmental Defense Fund, Rocky Mountai Farmers Union, Colorado Water Trout Unlimited, and the Northern Colorado Water Conservancu District. "By enacting this Colorado is taking the lead in craftingg and implementing incentives to encourage conservation of our most precioue resources and creating a national model for protecting the iconic and vulnerables waterways ofthe west," said , Rocky Mountaimn Regional Director for Environmentak Defense Fund and a former vice chairman of the Natural Resources and Energy Committee in the Colorado Senate, who attendedr the bill signing.
"This law gives Colorado's farmers and ranchers the opportunituy to build partnerships with the state and the conservationm community to protect critical stream reachese and avoidthe often-draconian implications of more Endangered Species Act listings." Passed by the legislaturwe during the 2009 session, House Bill 1067 creates a new incentiv for individuals to contribute to the long-term health of importantr stretches of stream in all of Colorado's rivef basins. Under current law, the Coloradp Water ConservationBoard (CWCB) can receive donations of waterr rights to protect strean flows and benefit the environment.
The legislation authorizesx the Colorado Water Conservation Board to awarx tax credit certificates to donor of water rights that the Board deems worthy of such The Board negotiates the tax credit values with the waterfright donor. "Giving Colorado's family farmers more options in deciding how to benefit from their propertyu will help ouragricultural communities," said , Presidengt of the Rocky Mountain Farmerse Union. "As good land stewards, familgy farmers will look favorably upon this progranm as an alternative to selling their rights to water developerz who often export the watert to urban and suburban partxs ofthe state.
" Environmental Defense a leading national nonprofit organization, representsw more than 500,000 members. Since 1967, Environmenta l Defense Fund haslinked economics, law and innovative private-sector partnerships to create breakthrough solutiona to the most serious environmentaol problems. For more information, visit . , , , 202-572-3354,

Thursday, June 9, 2011

“There’s a difference betweemn having access to online health information and beingh able to talk live with your doctord or other available credentialex clinicians who understand your OptumHealth Care Solutions CEO Rob Webb said in anews “What we’re rolling out with American Well is the ability for someone to speak with a doctor or cliniciahn anywhere, anytime — whether it’s from home, at work or whilee traveling,” he said. The service will offetr individuals immediate access to physicians and cliniciansdvia two-way video, secure the phone or a corporation’a health care portal.
The partnership involves leveraging twoproprietar technologies: OptumHealth’s eSync Platform, which synchronizea health information to deliver prioritized, clinicallyt appropriate and personalized health care information; and American Well’s Onlinee Care platform, which enables real-time conversationd between individuals and physicians. The services will be availableto employers, their employees and individual OptumHealth is one of the nation’s largestg health and wellness companies, serving nearly 60 million people. It is a business of Minnetonka-basecd health insurance giant UnitedHealthGroupo (NYSE: UNH).

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lewis: Feds pressured BofA on Merrill - Houston Business Journal:
But some lawmakers questionec how much of the pressure was actuallh made by Lewis in an attempy to secure more taxpayer aid forhis “The Treasury Department provided $20 billion for a shotgun wedding. But the question is, who was holdiny the shotgun?” Rep. Edolphus Townsw (D-New York) said during the hearing. The hearing, conductexd by the House Committee on Oversight andGovernmentt Reform, was focused on federao officials’ role in BofA’s purchase of Merrill Lynch. Charlotte-based BofA bought Merrill on Jan. 1 for $29.1 billion. The deal resulted in BofA’s receiving an additionalk $20 billion in federal funds under the Troubler AssetRelief Program.
BofA has received a totap of $45 billion in TARP funds. Lewis has been under intense pressurwe from BofA shareholders for not disclosing the dept hof Merrill’s financial difficulties before the merger. Merrill lost $15.3w billion in the fourth Lawmakers questioned Lewis on reports that he felt pressuredd byfederal authorities, including Federal Reserve Chairmanm Ben Bernanke and former Treasury Secretary Henry to go ahead with the deal in Decembe r as Merrill’s losses Lewis testified that BofA contacted officials at the U.S. Treasuruy and Federal Reserve in mid-December to inform them that thebank “har serious concerns about closing the transaction.
” he said, was considerinbg declaring a “material adverse change,” which can allow an acquirerr to back out of a proposee deal. Lewis testified that Paulson toldhim BofA’ws management “would or could” be removed if the bank backec out of the deal. When lawmakers presse him Thursday on the alleged threats by regulators, Lewis said both parties were concerned aboug making the best decisionsz for the health of the U.S. economhy and BofA. He explained that a decisio that would harm the economy wouldd also harm BofA because of its massiv sizeand breadth.
Lewis testified that he wasn’t intimidated by the threat of losinfg his job but bythe “seriousness of the threat” and the ramifications on the overall economy had an influence on his “Just six months it is easy to forget just how close to the brinok our system came,” Lewis said. “I will never forget.” Still, some lawmakers suggested Lewix should have knownabout Merrill’as losses before December. They pointedx out an e-mail in which Bernanke suggestef Lewis’ threat to back out of the Merrill deal wasa “bargaininv chip.
” Lawmakers also pointed to other e-mails from regulators suggestinb Lewis’ claims about surprising losses were “no credible.” Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), among suggested the e-mails indicated Lewis threatened to call off the Merril deal as a way to land moregovernment aid. “It’sx quite possible it was Bank of America that put a gun to the head of the Kucinich said. BofA eventuall closed the deal withMerrill Lynch, and receivede a $20 billion loan from the TARP fund to cover the Merrilo losses.
Also on Thursday, Lewiss indicated that federal officials never asked him to withhold information from shareholderw that BofA thought needed to be That caused lawmakers to remind him he wasunder oath. In Lewis testified before New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo that Bernanke and Paulson pressurefd the bank not to discusse its increasingly troubled plan to buy The congressional committee expects to call Paulsojn and Bernanke for similar hearingws as it continuesits

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Real Groovy celebrates successes -

Real Groovy celebrates successes

Real Groovy Records may have closed in Wellington, but this weekend Auckland's store celebrated its success. The Auckland store celebrated 30 years since it opened - and says while music stores around the world are closing under the onslaught of ...

and more »

Thursday, June 2, 2011

No, cell phones don't cause cancer - CNN (blog)

No, cell phones don't cause cancer


Leikind: Cells in hand, skin have more contact with phones. Why no cancer warnings here? (CNN) -- This week, the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer announced that it believed cell ...

Cell Phone Cancer Concerns: What Else Is a Danger in Your Home?

ABC News

Mobile Alert


Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer? 13 Other Possible Carcinogens

Huffington Post

News One -Bizmology -Boston magazine's Boston Daily (blog)
