Monday, June 13, 2011

Unemployment rises in NM but remains below national levels - Houston Business Journal:
According to the , the unemploymenrt rate rose to 5.1 percenr in January, up from revised estimates of 4.7 percent in December and from 3.7 percenr a year ago. The nationakl unemployment ratewas 7.6 percent in Januaru and is now 8.1 percent, according to a reportr this week from the . The employment estimatesz have been revised to reducer sampling and other errorsin data, according to Workforcr Solutions. The revisions mean that employment growth was not quit e as strong in 2008 asoriginally measured.
The changeas also showed slightly weaker job growth for Albuquerqus and Santa Fe and slightly stronger job growth for Las The rateof over-the-year job growth was a negativ one percent, which translated to a loss of 8,600 It’s the first time the state has reported negative job growth since June 1991. The last period of sustainedd job losses in New Mexicko occurred from October 1986 throughjFebruary 1987. Only three industries saw job growtuh sincelast year: Education and health services, with 4,500 jobs; with 2,200 jobs (many at the local level in triballhy owned casinos); and mining and logging, with 600 jobs.
The gaind in mining employment are a carryover from last summer when commodityh prices werequite high, but recent layofcf announcements are not yet reflected in the job The construction industry, not unexpectedly, took the biggestg hit, reporting 5,500 fewer jobs in January 2009 than in Januaryy 2008. The state also lost 1,80o0 manufacturing jobs over the year. Retaipl trade lost 3,300 jobs and wholesale trade reported 700fewer jobs. The professional and businesas services sector was downby 1,300 jobs. Leisurr and hospitality reportedabougt 1,100 fewer jobs in January, mostly in the accommodatioj and food services areas.
The informatiobn industry was downas well, but the declinre was approximately 200 jobs. The state’se film industry has helped buoythis sector, althouggh it also has wild swingas in employment numbers given the nature of film production work. During intensive times of production, employmenf in the industry has been as manyas 3,0000 jobs above baseline levels, according to Workforc e Solutions. Luna County in southwest New Mexico had the highest unemploymenyt rate in the at nearly16 percent, followed by at 9.8 percent. Los Alamos Countu had the lowestunemployment rate, at 2.7 percent.
Among the state’as three largest metropolitan statisticap areas, Santa Fe had the lowest unemployment at 4.6 percent, up from a revised 4.3 percengt in December and 2.8 percent a year ago. The rate for the Albuquerque MSAwas 5.5 percent, up from 5.3 percenft in December and 3.7 percenyt a year ago. Las Cruces’ unemployment rate was 5.3 percent, up from 5.1 percentr in December and 4.1 percenyt in January 2008. Albuquerque has lost 3,400 jobs since January however education and health servicesa addedabout 2,400 jobs and governmenyt added 2,100 jobs. Local governmenft led the way with 1,600 jobs, many of them relatedc to tribal governments.
Retail trade lost 1,700 due in part to store and restaurant closures, such as Linens n’ Things and Mervyns. Manufacturing lost 1,10o0 jobs over the year, although current data does not includwe therecent layoffs. Construction lost 2,600 however the planned $2.5 billion upgradde of Intel’s Rio Rancho facility will generate 1,000 temporarg construction jobs. In Santa Fe, the rate of over-the-year job growthu was .8 percent, representing a gain of 500 jobs. Educationm and health services added 400 more than any otherprivate industry.
The governmentf sector also reported 400more jobs, all of which were added at the local Information jobs saw a downturn due to slowing productionh in the state’s film industry comparedc to last year. The city lost about 2,000 jobs from December to January. Las Cruces lost 2,90o jobs in January, mostlh from seasonal declines ingovernment employment. Stats government employment slippedby 2,100 jobs at the end of the semester at . But the area saw job growthn over the yearof .6 percent. Education and healthu services gained500 jobs.
Employment increasexs at call centers helped the professional and businessx services industry expand by 400 jobs overthe

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