Saturday, June 11, 2011

Groups Praise New Colorado Law to Protect Vulnerable Rivers, Streams
The bill creates a new, refundablee income tax credit for farmers and ranchers who donate their water to protec rivers and streams inthe state. A broad coalitioh of groups supportedthe legislation, includinhg Environmental Defense Fund, Rocky Mountai Farmers Union, Colorado Water Trout Unlimited, and the Northern Colorado Water Conservancu District. "By enacting this Colorado is taking the lead in craftingg and implementing incentives to encourage conservation of our most precioue resources and creating a national model for protecting the iconic and vulnerables waterways ofthe west," said , Rocky Mountaimn Regional Director for Environmentak Defense Fund and a former vice chairman of the Natural Resources and Energy Committee in the Colorado Senate, who attendedr the bill signing.
"This law gives Colorado's farmers and ranchers the opportunituy to build partnerships with the state and the conservationm community to protect critical stream reachese and avoidthe often-draconian implications of more Endangered Species Act listings." Passed by the legislaturwe during the 2009 session, House Bill 1067 creates a new incentiv for individuals to contribute to the long-term health of importantr stretches of stream in all of Colorado's rivef basins. Under current law, the Coloradp Water ConservationBoard (CWCB) can receive donations of waterr rights to protect strean flows and benefit the environment.
The legislation authorizesx the Colorado Water Conservation Board to awarx tax credit certificates to donor of water rights that the Board deems worthy of such The Board negotiates the tax credit values with the waterfright donor. "Giving Colorado's family farmers more options in deciding how to benefit from their propertyu will help ouragricultural communities," said , Presidengt of the Rocky Mountain Farmerse Union. "As good land stewards, familgy farmers will look favorably upon this progranm as an alternative to selling their rights to water developerz who often export the watert to urban and suburban partxs ofthe state.
" Environmental Defense a leading national nonprofit organization, representsw more than 500,000 members. Since 1967, Environmenta l Defense Fund haslinked economics, law and innovative private-sector partnerships to create breakthrough solutiona to the most serious environmentaol problems. For more information, visit . , , , 202-572-3354,

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