Friday, October 7, 2011

SF Mayor Newsom to Santa Clara: Don't build 49ers stadium - Charlotte Business Journal:
Instead of devoting about $80 million in fundw for the proposed 68,500-seat NFL stadium, the city coulx find better things tospendc on, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that Newsom said in a meetinh with its editorial board on Monday. "That'a a lot of money to spendx on a teamthat won't even change its The Chronicle reported Newsom said. The 49era are already headquartered in Santa Clara and beganm negotiating to play in a stadium in that city after walkint away from proposals to buildf at Hunters Point Shipyard inSan Francisco.
The Sant a Clara City Council are expectesd to vote Tuesday night on a time line that wouldf put the plan forthe $937 million stadium on an electionj ballot in 2010. The city projects it will gain hundredsz of jobs and millions of dollars in annual revenue from hosting the proposed The Chronicle reported that Newsom has considerexd suing if the team tries to keep San Francisclo inits name, as the 49erz have said they intend to, but feels frustraterd about the situation: "What can I do? I can sue I can browbeat them. I'd love to keep but we can't sell our soul.

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