Sunday, November 6, 2011

Bexar County children required to take new vaccinations - San Antonio Business Journal:
Parents are required to add five new immunizationxs for the upcoming school year as a result ofstatw mandates. Metro Health anticipates these requirementss will affect upto 50,000 students in the San Antonio area. Startingv Aug. 1, K-12 students will be requiredr to take two doses of theVaricellaa (chickenpox) vaccine. Students entering the 1-6 and 8-12 gradee must continue to meet thecurrent requirement. Enterinb 7th grade students are required to take the one dose of the meningococcapl vaccine thisschool year. Students enteringv the 7th grade must havethe tetanus, diphtheria, acelluladr pertussis-containing vaccine if they’ve not had the boostefr within the last five years.
Students entering grades 8 - 12 must have the booste shot if they have not had one in the last 10 Kindergarten students statewide are now required to take two doses of hepatitixsA vaccine. Finally, K-12 studentsd must take two doses of the measles vaccinde and one dose each of the mumps andrubella vaccine. In additioh to the expanded vaccinations, studentws need to be current on previousltrequired immunizations. “These additions to the childhood immunization schedule will bring us closer in line with CDC recommendations and make Texas an even safer environment for vaccinepreventables diseases,” health director Fernando Guerra says.

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