Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Economy Watch: FNF Construction gets highway stimulus contract - Tampa Bay Business Journal:

“It is a rehabilitationb project to create asafer roadway,” said Deena business development officer for Tempe-based FNF which is celebrating 25 years in business. Some areads of U.S. 491 have deteriorated creatin a significant safety issu for those whouse it, she said. The projecg is a good fit for the which also has an office in accordingto Billings. “Paving projects are kind of our niche.” In additioh to making the roadway safer for the $8.9 million project give s FNF Construction’s staff more opportunit for work. “We will be able to keep existing employees busy and perhapa hirenew ones,” she said.
The bidding procesds for a stimulus contracft is very similar to that on any job both for the contractotr and the state department oftransportationh involved. The New Mexico Department of Transportation advertised the project in typica fashion with the lowest bidded winningthe contract, said Megan Arrendondo, spokeswoman for the New Mexicio Department of Transportation. The federal government does look at the projectsin however, Arrendondo added. Construction on the 14-mile stretch, whicbh runs on the southern portion ofthe highway, broke ground May 20. FNF Constructio is hopeful that its portion of the upgrade is completde by the endof summer.
“Wed are excited to keep on goinf and be part ofthe process,” Billings said of futurd jobs.

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