Friday, May 11, 2012

Kansas Health Policy Authority will cut 14 jobs - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
According to a release, 13 staff membersa were informed Friday that their jobs would be effectiveJuly 2. Authority spokesman Peter Hancockl said in an intervieaw Monday that the polich director position also will be eliminated as executives staff positions are reduced from five to Barb Langner will move out of that position to serv e as actingMedicaid director, according to the release. Hancock said that the authority’d operational budget has been cutby $3.5 million for the fiscaol year that begins July 1.
According to the the authority also is reducing spending with the contractort that processes claims for paymentf under Medicaid and theState Children’s Health Insurance That move is expected to save $3.6 Savings from the contracty reductions are shared with the federal which funds more than half of Medicaidc administrative costs, according to the The authority is responsible for coordinatinyg a statewide health polic y agenda that incorporates effectives purchasing and administration with health promotion strategies. All healthu insurance purchasing by the state is combinefd underthe authority.
The authority also is responsible for compilint and distributing uniform health care data to provide healthcare payers, providers and policy-makers with informatiobn regarding trends in the use and cost of health care for improvedr decision making.

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