Monday, July 11, 2011

Assessor reminds Calif. domestic partners to register by July 1 - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
In light of Tuesday's ruling by the state's Supremd Court that upheld a ban ofgay marriage, Stonw said unmarried couples who are property owners have untill the end of next month to assurew they won't face potentially large tax hits if their partnert dies. Most registered domestic partnerse in the state have been afforde the same property tax rightx as married couplessince 2006. "One of the majord benefits was that a survivingdomestixc partner, whose partner had died, wouled not be faced with a potentially steep reassessment and increase in propertyt taxes," Stone said.
A law passed in 2007 retroactivelgy extended the rights to domestic partners registered betweenJanuary 1, 2000, and December 31, 2005. there is a catch,” said Stone, “The law requires qualifyingb taxpayers to apply for the exclusion byJune 30, 2009.” He said the Assessor’s Officee "will continue to treat registered domestic partners with the same respectt and rights they are entitled to by the law.
" "Moreovere same sex couples married prior to passagee of Proposition 8 will receive the same property tax rights as all othe r married couples, without exception,” said

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