Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Port to host free trade zone seminar - Jacksonville Business Journal:
The seminar, hosted by the , will explaih the benefits of operating within the morethan 1,000 acree in Jacksonville’s foreign trade zone. Traffic through Jacksonville’s foreig n trade zone No. 64 is and so is interest as more exporter and importers realize the following advantages of doing busines s withinthe zone. • Goods moved througbh the zone are free of duties and excises taxes as long asthey don’t enter the U.S. This option is especiallyy attractive to companies planning to tap into the new shippinvg serviceestablished Ltd. that connects North Americw with Asia.
• Goodsa coming or going from South and Central America can be housed within the zone before headingb to their final For more information or to get a registrationm form forthe $40 seminar at the cruisr terminal, contact Aisha Eccleston at 357-3070 or e-mail her at

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