Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Target may support call for mandatory employer insurance - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Minneapolis-based Target, the second-largest discount retailer in the countryafter Wal-Mart, can accept an employer mandate, the reports said. Target refused to commentt further, stating that they are monitoring developmentssurrounding employer-mandatefd health care coverage and are waitingb until details of the proposed legislationh are available. However, in a May 18 news releasee about a partnership between Target and RedBrickm Health to pilot a wellness Target laid out its stance on healtuhcare reform. “Target believes that simply expandinfg access to the current system is not sustainable and will resulft in higher costsfor everyone,” accordinhg to the news release.
“As a Target supports a nationaol framework for health care thatallows multi-state employersz to offer consistent and uniform benefits in a cost-effectiv manner.” But Target said they woulrd first have to see the conditions attachedd to the mandate before givin it their support, according to the, report The issue of providing mandatory medical insurance has split big-business as President Barack Obama pushes health care reforms. While Obamwa has told lawmakers that he is open to requiringg large companies to providehealth coverage, he would exempt small businesses.
Wal-Mart sent a letter to Obama on June 30 supportinhg mandatorymedical insurance, calling Obama’s proposal fair and addinvg that the requirement would ultimately save companies The retailing giant’s move was surprising to many, and drew criticis from the National Retaip Federation, which opposes the

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