Thursday, March 31, 2011
DirecTV CEO leaving as Liberty merger nears - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
just as the satellite broadcaste r readies to merge with an offshoott ofJohn Malone’s News Corp. and DirecTVg confirmed Wednesday that Careyt will leave theEl Segundo, Calif.-based satellitre broadcaster July 1 to become second-in-command handling international operations — for Rupert Murdoch’s globa l media empire. Carey’s defection may muddt investors’ reception of the planned mergerr between DirecTV andLiberty Entertainment, a division of Douglas County-based Liberty Media. Carey ran DirecTV for the pastsix years, leading it througu a period of growth and winning partnerships with everyg major telecom company in the U.S.
He was expectef to stay with DirecTV after it becam independent ofLiberty Media. he returns to working for Murdoch andNews Corp., wherwe he worked for 15 yearxs prior to heading DirecTV. Libert y Entertainment (NASDAQ: LMDIA) holds a 54 percent stak e in (NASDAQ: DTV) as well as controllin g stakes in online gaming company Fun the Game Show Network and regional sportas TV networksin Denver, Pittsburgh and Those holdings are being spun off this year into a free-standinv company to clear up DirecTV’s stock structuree and make it easier for it to engagde in mergers and acquisitions, the companies Malone’s company traded its 16 percent ownership stakew in News Corp.
back to Murdoch’s company in 2007 in exchangd for the controlling stakedin DirecTV.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Harris: VCU's Smart applies lessons well - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Harris: VCU's Smart applies lessons well Pittsburgh Tribune-Review AP John Harris is a Pittsburgh Tribune-Review sports columnist and can be reached at 412-481-5432 or via e-mail. Virginia Commonwealth basketball coach Shaka Smart doesn't want to say he told you so, ... |
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Carolinas HealthCare reduces 1Q loss - Triangle Business Journal:
Investment losses for the latest quarter totalernearly $101 million. Chief Financial Officer Greg Gombad anticipates gains in the financial market in April and May will erase those Carolinas HealthCare uses investment earnings for capital That money is not used for daily The health-care system hopes negotiations with several lendersx will cut its interest expenses tied to variablr debt and higher bank-liquidity fees. Those fees are about $1 millio per month. Interest expenses in the first quarterwere $21. 8 million. From an operational Carolinas HealthCare had a strongfirstt quarter, says Russ Guerin, executiv vice president for business development and Net operating revenue climbed 8.
6 percent to $1.2 billionb systemwide. Operating income exceeded $24.5 The health-care system saw adjusted discharges — a calculatiohn that gauges patientactivity — climb 5.2 perceny from a year earlier. Growth withinb the health-care system and expensde management “is the primary driver why we’rw above budget significantly,” Guerin Carolinas HealthCare spent morethan $106 million on capitalp projects in the first quarter.
Projects includes new operating roomsat CMC-NorthEast and Carolinas Medicall Center, an expansion of CMC-Pineville, a new hospita at CMC-Lincoln and construction of health-carse pavilions in Steele Creek and Waxhaw, which will includr free-standing emergency departments. Challenges in the comingh months include managingthe system’s growingv bad-debt and charity-care reducing interest expenses and preparing for a possible state cut in Medicaid funding, Gombar says. Bad-debt costs were 12 percent over budget during thefirst quarter, topping $48 million in the firsty quarter. During the same period last bad debt wasabout $43 million.
The health-care system spent more than $770 milliomn in community carein 2008, including bad debt, charity care and subsidizing Medicare and That equals 18.8 percent of the health-car e system’s net operating revenue. ”It’sd a trend everybody’s seeing acrosss the country,” Gombar says. “We can’t controkl how many people are how many people show up at our doorwithout insurance.” North Carolina’s budget woes could resulte in a cut of up to 15 percent for That could equate to $36 million in annual lossews for Carolinas HealthCare.
“Medicaid cuts are the worst economicd benefit cut the statecan make,” Gombar “It’s painful.” Says Guerin: “It raisese prices for those who do pay. It makes no good businessx sense todo that.” Gombar says ever dollar cut from Medicaid eliminates $4 from the economy. Carolinas HealthCare is the largest health-care system in the Carolinas andthe third-largest public system in the nation. The systemk owns, leases or manages 25 hospitals. It has more than 40,000 full- and part-time employees.
Friday, March 25, 2011
William Boyd Printing site sold for $1.3M - Kansas City Business Journal:
Ltd., an affiliate of Cos. in Cliftom Park, closed on the $1.3 million purchase on June 3. Cass Hill intendds to convert theformer 1.3-acre industrial site at 39-4 9 Sheridan Ave. into an office/retail/residential project. The propertuy is located behindthe & Suitese on Chapel Street, near the heart of the city’s entertainmenf district. Tony Sabatino of represented the Cass Hill was represented by Eileen Lindberg of Marc H. Paquin, president of Cass Hill Development couldn’t be reached for comment.
Cass Hill owns several properties downtown, including a 30,000-square-foot office building on Monroe Street across from the former printing Boyd Printing filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection inSeptembere 2005. A federal bankruptcy judge in March 2008 approved the sale of the buildingzs to help satisfythe company’s debts. Some of the company’sx assets were purchased by Carl Johnson, an officer at Boyd who opened aseparate corporation, Inc., in Previous deals for the Sherida Avenue property fizzled before Cass Hill signed a purchasew contract last year.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
For high-tech entrepreneurs, time is right to launch firm - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
To that end, enriches the environmen for local technology increasing the likelihood that they will launcy their businesses andflourish here. We also work with area researcnh institutions that wish to use startups to help commercializes technology developed intheir labs. CincyTechg is the product of a partnershi p betweenthe , and the (other regional investors are It is one of six Entrepreneurial Signature Programs within Ohio’xs Third Frontier initiative, through whichy the state strengthens its transitionh to new growth industries by enhancing the climatd for tech startups. With a $10.
5 million seed fund and a team offour executives-in-residenc e who help companies become investment-ready, CincyTech is makingv tremendous progress, having vetted 270 opportunitiea within its areas of focus – IT, bioscience and advanced manufacturingh and materials. Our process seeks those offering the best possible ROI for all including the optimum economicdevelopmenft ripple. CincyTech has directly invested $1.2 million in six an additional $21 million has been investedf under the same giving CincyTech an investment leverager ofalmost $20-to-$1. Another four companies are in theinvestmentf queue. The project portfolio is diverse, and the companies are performing.
For example: • Licensing technolog from , Akebia is developing therapies targeted to anemiw and peripheralartery disease; • Social network Zipscenes is aggregating entertainment information at the metropolita n regional level, has agreements with two nationao media concerns and is trackinv to become a top 100 aggregated content Web site in the • Using technology licensed from Cincinnati Children’s and the , AssureRx will provides physicians with information to improves their ability to prescribe the appropriate psychoactiv e drugs to their patients.
Working with life sciencesw incubator BioStart and technologyincubator , CincyTech intends to expand its investmenft portfolio to 30 companies over a few In the next decade, we project as many as 1,00o0 jobs will be created by the firmsx in which we invest. We’lol also expand the class of entrepreneurs. As we new objectives move to the forefront. CincyTech is helpinyg portfolio companiesraise early-stage venture capita l from regional and nationap funds, and we’re seeking additional accredited investors to co-invest at the seed-round stage. We’re also identifying C-level talentf for our portfolio businesses.
According to the , employmentt at venture-backed companies grew at an annuaol rateof 4.1 percent between 2003 and compared to just 1.3 percent for the U.S. economy as a As CincyTech seeds and nurturesour high-tech, startup environment, there has never been a better time for entrepreneur to launch a high-growth company here.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
State law may save ASU West from chopping block - Phoenix Business Journal:
Crow has said massive budget cuts mighty force the closure of the ASU West campuds in westPhoenix and/or the campus in Mesa. The universityg was hit with $88 million in cuts in the most recentt attempt to rein in thestate budget. It faceds additional cuts of $160 milliob for fiscal 2010. Closing ASU West coulcd run into somelegal however, because the campus was mandated in 1984 by an Arizonsa law calling for the state to maintain an ASU campu s in western Maricopa County. That has attorneys, state legislator s and West Valley leaders examining legal optionsx to block itspossible closure. The Polytechnicv campus in Mesa, which has 5,00o0 students enrolled, was not created by state law.
One possibilithy is taking the West Valley campus out from undetr the ASU umbrella and turning it intoa stand-alonr college or part of another state university, said Jack president of the Westmarc economif development group. Lunsford said he woulds prefer to keep the ASU branrd forthe campus, which is in the process of being renamed ASU New College, but therer had been some discussion in the past abou t spinning it off. “Those plans are bein looked at again,” he said. Glendals spokeswoman Julie Frisoni said West Valley citiews and lawmakers are looking at various options to keep the campusd from being closedor diminished.
She said the 8,000-studenyt campus is a major employer in the West with800 workers. ASU spokesman Virgil Renzulli said if the universituy does not have enoughstatee funds, it may have to closes ASU West or the Mesa campus, regardless of any othee factors. “If you don’t have the money, you don’y have the money,” Renzulli said. ASU’s budget cuts, along with shifting some programz to its downtownPhoenix campus, couldc severely diminish the school’s economic benefits for the East and West That includes growth of the area and maturatio n of the West Valley from a bedroom community into a job “It would be devastating.
It would slow down developmenty of the GatewayAirport area,” said President Roc Arnett. Arnetyt said the Mesa campus is key to futures growthand development, including attracting more aerospacd and aviation businesses. The East Valleg has been looking to attracr more development and commercial flights to Gatewayt Airport and build it into anaerospace hub. Theres also are plans for a conferencde center and large resort atthe soon-to-be-closedf GM Proving Ground near the Mesa campus. With regarde to ASU West, proposed cuts would leavde the facility home only to theliberak arts-oriented New College of Interdisciplinaryu Arts and Sciences.
It would lose the graduate nursing andeducation programs. John economic development director for the city of said ASU West is a key to work force development inthe “We’re still a bedroom community. We want to get our own economic base,” he said.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Onlineprinters GmbH Goes Online with French Webshop - (press release)
Onlineprinters GmbH Goes Online with French Webshop (press release) In 2010, the online print shop received the âBavaria's Best 50â award for its excellent company development. Product information is available in the online shops:, and |
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Mercer survey: Execs take brunt of salary cuts in
Only 56 percent of executives are expected to see an increaswe in base paythis year, compare d to more than 70 percent of clerical and technical staffers, according to earl y figures from Mercer’s 2009/201o0 U.S. Compensation Planning Survey. Those managers that do get a however, will see a 3.5 percent hike versuss 3.1 percent for office/clerical/technicao staff. Likewise, executives fare worse when it comes tosalaryg freezes. Forty-four percent of companies plan to freeze executivee salaries in 2009 and 15 percentin 2010.
Only 28 percengt plan salary freezesfor office/production/service employeess this year, and 11 percent next Pay raises are more likely in the information technology and engineering while marketing, finance and sales employeesd are seeing their paychecks decline, according to Mercer’s Market Pulsw Report. “While salary increases overall arerelativeluy low, certain jobs are buckingt the trend with increases nearly twicr the rate of the overalol market,” said Susan Haberman, U.S. regionall leader for informationproduct solutions. “Organizations are paying more for these positions since theysupporg company-specific needs.
” Mercer surveyed more than 640 organizationa for its Market Pulse and about 850 for its Compensatiom Planning Survey.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Cost of S.C. nuke plant has Duke in search for partner - Charlotte Business Journal:
Duke officials say the company still may be willingv to build the plant by But they worry about the financial risk and the impacon customers’ rates if it goes it alone on the project. Otherf utilities face similar questions. won’rt say whether it has talkexd to Duke. But the Raleigh-basedc utility also would like to find another utilit y to share the high upfront costs of its plannednucleat plants. And in South already plans to build a nucleart plantwith state-owned utility Santere Cooper. President Jim Turnerr says the companyis “very activelhy seeking a partner.” Constructiojn costs are the issue.
The $11 billionj estimate for the twin-reactor Lee station doesn’tr include any financing Those could easilyadd $3 billion to $4 billion to the And the projected construction costs are base d on 2008 dollars. By the time the plant is builftin 2017, the price is likely to be highefr still. Also, Duke has said it will likely need additional legislation to help make Lee and othefr future nuclearplants feasible. Duke wantsw to recover at least some of its constructionm costs while the plant is being built without having to undergo a full state reviewa ofits rates. South Carolina already allows that. North Carolinwa does not.
Duke may seek additionakl legislation in both states that would allow utilities to set up regional organizationsw that could own andoperate plants. Ellen formerly the head of DukeEnergyt Carolinas, now heads the parentt corporation’s nuclear development division. She has been working with a small stafr to assess opportunities forregional “special-purpose entities.” Federal regulationa already allow such But in the Carolinas, regulatory laws may have to be changed to allowe the regional groups. Duke had hoped to addresws those legislative issues befores applying for permission from South Carolina this year to builrd theLee facility.
Chief Executive Jim Rogersx now says legislation may have to wait until 2010. He says nucleadr plants should be consideredregional assets. Spreading the initial costs, and the risk, amongt several utilities would make plant construction more Nuclear plants are large and can providre power formany customers, he notes. Finding at leasrt one partner for Lee isa priority, Rogerw says. “Our strong preference is to have a We just think it is abetter approach.” When askef whether Duke would proceed withouyt a partner, he says maybe. He says he woulsd “put that in a strong maybe category.” But he will not commit to it now.
A Missourui utility recently scuttled plans for anuclear plant. The utility’s failure to find a partneer was akey factor, says Normah Richardson, associate director of energty research at SNL Energy. Union Electric in Missouri, like was seeking a partner for a second unit at itsCallawahy plant. And it sought legislative authorithy to recover some construction costs before it finishesthe project. Both efforts failed, Richardson He says several planned plantsare partnerships. Most are expansionsd at existingnuclear facilities. Progress Energy’s $17 billion Levy plan in Florida is the only majo utility plant on a new Progress has no partners onthat project.
When Duke announced planz for the Lee plant in it was to be a jointf venturewith Atlanta’s But Southerjn opted out in 2007. Havinvg a partner would make the Lee projectgmore cost-effective. Nuclear plants are inexpensiveto operate, but very costlgy to build. The Turner says, is that “the industry has not been good at playinywith others” in the past. The high costs of buildiny nuclear plants give utilities reasonto cooperate, he Progress spokesman Mark Hughes agrees. He says Progress is “certainlyh interested in learning aboutpartnership opportunities.” He declines to say whethere Progress and Duke have talked.
But he says Progresse has the same incentiveas as Duke forseeking partners. Progress could look for project to join or find partners for its proposed expansion of the Shearonb Harris nuclear plantnear
Saturday, March 12, 2011
EPA chief tours Denver mixed-use development - Philadelphia Business Journal:
Jackson, EPA’s administrator, and Denve r Mayor John Hickenloopertoured Highlands’ Gardens Village, a 27-acre mixed-use project on the original site of Elitch Gardens amusement park. In 2005, Highlands’ Garde n Village was awarded the EPA National Awardr for Smart Growth Achievement in the category of Overall Excellence. In 2007, the development received the ’s Award of Excellence for creative land-use development and In a statement, EPA said it is working with the federapl departments of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development to encouragee communitieslike Highlands’ Garden Village that offee affordable housing and sustainable features closee to schools, markets, jobs and recreation.
“Highlands’ Garden Villagee is a great exampleof how, when we work we can bring about socially and environmentallt responsible development,” Hickenlooper said in a “This community is a model for the countryu that shows we can create an alternative to urban sprawl and reducw greenhouse gas emissions without sacrificing our quality of life.”
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Events that shaped the Cape's national park: Relocating lighthouses - Wicked Local
Events that shaped the Cape's national park: Relocating lighthouses Wicked Local In the summer of 1996, the relocation of the lighthouse began. It was no easy task to slide the 404-ton tower 450 feet back from its position atop the cliff, but on July 18 crews from International Chimney and Expert House Movers got to work, ... |
Monday, March 7, 2011
First Md. offshore wind factory planned for shore - BusinessWeek
MyFox Washington DC | First Md. offshore wind factory planned for shore BusinessWeek Maryland's first wind turbine blade manufacturer could be running in two years, spitting out three 130-foot long turbine blades daily from a plant in Salisbury. AC Wind plans to spend upward of $10 million retrofitting a former US ... First Md. offshore wind factory planned for shore First Md. Offshore Wind Factory Planned For Shore O'M » |
Saturday, March 5, 2011
India Finance Minister: To Carry Out Borrowing Plan Smoothly - Automated Trader
India Finance Minister: To Carry Out Borrowing Plan Smoothly Automated Trader NEW DELHI -(Dow Jones)- India's federal government will carry out its market borrowing plan for the next fiscal year smoothly and in a nondisruptive manner, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said Saturday. "We carried out our borrowing program (for the ... ! |
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Hughes, Ngage call off merger - St. Louis Business Journal:
Ngage founder Dan Curran said itwas “more of a timinhg issue than anything else.” “(Hughes President) Bill and I are very close and will remaijn so,” he said. “We took pause and just decided to put offthe merger…. We hope to work togethed in the future.” He declined to elaboratd other than to say that the decisionb was not related tothe recession. “The recession is not a he said. “We are both very busy and busy Hughesand Ngage’s operations in 2008 revenue. Companiesd had started merger talks sixmonths ago. Currabn launched Ngage three years ago and has a staffof 11.
The agencyt is known for its social mediaand e-commercwe work with clients that have includee Hanes, and Bissinger’s. Hughes, founded in 1977, concentratex on advertising, marketing and research, as well as publicx relations. It has a full-time stafr of 34, and clients include and . Reporter Rick Deslogd contributed tothis report.