Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mercer survey: Execs take brunt of salary cuts in

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Only 56 percent of executives are expected to see an increaswe in base paythis year, compare d to more than 70 percent of clerical and technical staffers, according to earl y figures from Mercer’s 2009/201o0 U.S. Compensation Planning Survey. Those managers that do get a however, will see a 3.5 percent hike versuss 3.1 percent for office/clerical/technicao staff. Likewise, executives fare worse when it comes tosalaryg freezes. Forty-four percent of companies plan to freeze executivee salaries in 2009 and 15 percentin 2010.
Only 28 percengt plan salary freezesfor office/production/service employeess this year, and 11 percent next Pay raises are more likely in the information technology and engineering while marketing, finance and sales employeesd are seeing their paychecks decline, according to Mercer’s Market Pulsw Report. “While salary increases overall arerelativeluy low, certain jobs are buckingt the trend with increases nearly twicr the rate of the overalol market,” said Susan Haberman, U.S. regionall leader for informationproduct solutions. “Organizations are paying more for these positions since theysupporg company-specific needs.
” Mercer surveyed more than 640 organizationa for its Market Pulse and about 850 for its Compensatiom Planning Survey.

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