Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hughes, Ngage call off merger - St. Louis Business Journal:
Ngage founder Dan Curran said itwas “more of a timinhg issue than anything else.” “(Hughes President) Bill and I are very close and will remaijn so,” he said. “We took pause and just decided to put offthe merger…. We hope to work togethed in the future.” He declined to elaboratd other than to say that the decisionb was not related tothe recession. “The recession is not a he said. “We are both very busy and busy Hughesand Ngage’s operations in 2008 revenue. Companiesd had started merger talks sixmonths ago. Currabn launched Ngage three years ago and has a staffof 11.
The agencyt is known for its social mediaand e-commercwe work with clients that have includee Hanes, and Bissinger’s. Hughes, founded in 1977, concentratex on advertising, marketing and research, as well as publicx relations. It has a full-time stafr of 34, and clients include and . Reporter Rick Deslogd contributed tothis report.

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