Wednesday, March 23, 2011

For high-tech entrepreneurs, time is right to launch firm - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
To that end, enriches the environmen for local technology increasing the likelihood that they will launcy their businesses andflourish here. We also work with area researcnh institutions that wish to use startups to help commercializes technology developed intheir labs. CincyTechg is the product of a partnershi p betweenthe , and the (other regional investors are It is one of six Entrepreneurial Signature Programs within Ohio’xs Third Frontier initiative, through whichy the state strengthens its transitionh to new growth industries by enhancing the climatd for tech startups. With a $10.
5 million seed fund and a team offour executives-in-residenc e who help companies become investment-ready, CincyTech is makingv tremendous progress, having vetted 270 opportunitiea within its areas of focus – IT, bioscience and advanced manufacturingh and materials. Our process seeks those offering the best possible ROI for all including the optimum economicdevelopmenft ripple. CincyTech has directly invested $1.2 million in six an additional $21 million has been investedf under the same giving CincyTech an investment leverager ofalmost $20-to-$1. Another four companies are in theinvestmentf queue. The project portfolio is diverse, and the companies are performing.
For example: • Licensing technolog from , Akebia is developing therapies targeted to anemiw and peripheralartery disease; • Social network Zipscenes is aggregating entertainment information at the metropolita n regional level, has agreements with two nationao media concerns and is trackinv to become a top 100 aggregated content Web site in the • Using technology licensed from Cincinnati Children’s and the , AssureRx will provides physicians with information to improves their ability to prescribe the appropriate psychoactiv e drugs to their patients.
Working with life sciencesw incubator BioStart and technologyincubator , CincyTech intends to expand its investmenft portfolio to 30 companies over a few In the next decade, we project as many as 1,00o0 jobs will be created by the firmsx in which we invest. We’lol also expand the class of entrepreneurs. As we new objectives move to the forefront. CincyTech is helpinyg portfolio companiesraise early-stage venture capita l from regional and nationap funds, and we’re seeking additional accredited investors to co-invest at the seed-round stage. We’re also identifying C-level talentf for our portfolio businesses.
According to the , employmentt at venture-backed companies grew at an annuaol rateof 4.1 percent between 2003 and compared to just 1.3 percent for the U.S. economy as a As CincyTech seeds and nurturesour high-tech, startup environment, there has never been a better time for entrepreneur to launch a high-growth company here.

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