Thursday, March 31, 2011

DirecTV CEO leaving as Liberty merger nears - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
just as the satellite broadcaste r readies to merge with an offshoott ofJohn Malone’s News Corp. and DirecTVg confirmed Wednesday that Careyt will leave theEl Segundo, Calif.-based satellitre broadcaster July 1 to become second-in-command handling international operations — for Rupert Murdoch’s globa l media empire. Carey’s defection may muddt investors’ reception of the planned mergerr between DirecTV andLiberty Entertainment, a division of Douglas County-based Liberty Media. Carey ran DirecTV for the pastsix years, leading it througu a period of growth and winning partnerships with everyg major telecom company in the U.S.
He was expectef to stay with DirecTV after it becam independent ofLiberty Media. he returns to working for Murdoch andNews Corp., wherwe he worked for 15 yearxs prior to heading DirecTV. Libert y Entertainment (NASDAQ: LMDIA) holds a 54 percent stak e in (NASDAQ: DTV) as well as controllin g stakes in online gaming company Fun the Game Show Network and regional sportas TV networksin Denver, Pittsburgh and Those holdings are being spun off this year into a free-standinv company to clear up DirecTV’s stock structuree and make it easier for it to engagde in mergers and acquisitions, the companies Malone’s company traded its 16 percent ownership stakew in News Corp.
back to Murdoch’s company in 2007 in exchangd for the controlling stakedin DirecTV.

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