Friday, April 1, 2011

Conference Board's U.S. employment index edges up in May - Denver Business Journal:
The organization’s Employment Trends Inde was 89.9, up 0.2 percent from 89.7 in April and down from 113 in May The Conference Board said The index number is relative to 100for 1996. “Whilew it is too early to say that the ETI has the moderation of the last two months is certainly a sign that the declinw in job losses is real and signals that the worsytis over,” Gad Levanon, The Conference Board’s senior said in a release. “However, as the economic recovery over the coming months is likelgy to bevery slow, we still expecty the unemployment rate to continue to increase to double digits by the end of this year and into 2010.
” Percentage of respondents who say they find “jobsz hard to get,” gathered from The Conference Board Consumer Confidencre Survey. • Initial claims for unemployment from statistics. • Percentage of firms with positions not able to fill righyt now because of inability to find suitable from the National Federation of Independent BusinessResearch Foundation. • Number of employees hireed bythe temporary-help industry, from the . Part-time workers for economic from Bureau ofLabor Statistics. • Job from the Bureau of Laborr Statistics. • Industrial production, from the Federa Reserve Board. • Real manufacturinb and trade sales, from the U.S.
Bureauj of Economic Analysis. The Conferencd Board is an independent NewYork City-based nonprofit

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