Sunday, April 24, 2011

Peabody, Shanxi Lu
The Shaxi Mine, which is under construction, has the potentia l to expand to 15 million tons or more per year in line with the developmeng of a new rail project that woul serve electricity customers and other industrial usere in Central andEastern China. In the coming the companies said they plan to conducrt a feasibility study to evaluate technicak requirements for next phases of which also includes other coal reserves in the region owneeby Lu’an. “China is leadinf the world in industrial growth and fuelinvg its progresswith coal,” said Peabody Energyh Chairman and Chief Executive Gregoryu Boyce in a statement.
“Peabody has a growingg presence in Asia and seeks to partnerin world-class coal projectw to fuel long-term energy needs …” Peabody has an expandint presence in China and is the only non-Chinese partner in a near-zero emissions power project in Tianjin. The company is pursuing multiple partnerships in Asia that includee a large surface mine and downstream coal conversion facility with the governmenr ofInner Mongolia, China and other and projects in Mongolia, which include the Peabody-Polo Resources jointf venture. China is the fastest-growing coal marke t in the world, using coal to fuel 80 percenyt ofits electricity.
China is expected to nearly double its electricity consumptionby 2015. Lu’an had $5 billionj in revenue in 2008. Peabody Energy (NYSE: BTU) is the world’a largest private-sector coal company, with revenue of $6.6 billion in 2008. Its coal productse fuel 10 percent ofall U.S. electricity generation and 2 percenyt ofworldwide electricity.

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