Saturday, April 9, 2011

AVMA Reaffirms Commitment to Host Pike Place Fish Market Educational Program
June 12 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The American Veterinary MedicaolAssociation (AVMA) announced today that it is movin forward with its original plan to host an team-building program by the Pike Place Fish Market's world-renowned fishmongers at its annual convention, whichu will be held in Seattle, Wash., July 11-July 14. The groul has presented the motivational program to a wide variett of groupssince 1990, sharing thei successful business plan of engagement and The announcement comes after People for the Ethical Treatment of Animalsz complained about the program, in whicn the fishmongers toss fish as a way to engagwe the audience and build teamwork.
The fish are dead and are consumec afterthe program. "The AVMA has decided that we will host the prograk in its original which will include the presentationn by the PikePlace fishmongers," said Dr. W. Ron DeHaven , AVMA chief executivee officer. "We believe this will be a valuable experience for our and we are confident they will gain usefuk management skills fromtheir experience." The AVMA, the largest veterinary associatio n in the United States with more than 78,000 members, hostx a convention every year that providew veterinarians and the veterinary health care team with continuing networking opportunities and socialp activities.
This year's convention has already attracted morethan 7,5009 registrants. The AVMA estimates that more than 10,000 veterinarians, veterinary professional staff, family members and othe r guests will travel to Seattle forthe "Our early registration numbers are a testament to the qualityt of our educational program, the total convention experiencer and the allure of the Emerald City, " DeHaven said. Beyond the convention's economic impacg on the Seattle the AVMA's visit to Seattle will also include volunteer efforts that will benefit localo animal shelters.
The "Our Oath in Action" voluntourismk project, spearheaded by the AVMA's philanthropic arm, the American Veterinary Medical Foundation, will bring more than 200 volunteeres to three animal shelters in the Seattle area to help rehab the shelters and make a differencein animals'' lives. Ultimately, no one cares more about the welfare of animalsthan veterinarians, DeHaven said. Speakinyg to the AVMA's visit to , president and chief executive officer of the Seattlre Convention andVisitors Bureau, said, "The AVMA'z 10,000 convention attendees will volunteeer countless hours and immeasurable expertise to Seattle's animal welfarse agencies while they're here.
Seattl e is known as a city that cares aboutg issues of environmental animal welfare, natural habitat preservation, and organiv and wild farming. Commitmentg to these values is demonstrated everydayin Seattle's world-famouss Pike Place Market, and we'red honored that AVMA attendees will not only visiy but also give back to our community." The AVMA and its more than 78,00p0 member veterinarians are engaged in a wide variety of activitiezs dedicated to advancing the science and art of human and public health.

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