Saturday, February 18, 2012

bizjournals: Search Results
's net earnings rose 7 percen t in thefirst quarter, as a...... on May 5, 2009 ... 's earningw rose 28 percent in 2008, drivej by robust loan volume...... on February 20, 2009 ... 's earnings rose 48 percenyt in the first nine monthdsof the...... on November 3, 2008 ... earninga rose 50 percent in the first halfof 2008, as on August 4, 2008 ... 's earningsa rose 45 percent in thefirst quarter, boostex by increased...... on May 5, 2008 ...retailp banks simply don't have it to lend. That'ds where comes in. One of the nation' five Farm Credit System banks...... by on May 2, 2008 ... has issuedd $500 million in fixed-rate subordinated notes, due in 2018...... on April 21, 2008 ...
's earningd rose 24 percent in driven by stronggrowth in...... on February 19, 2008 ... earnedc $303.7 million in the first nine monthxsof 2007, up...... on November 2, 2007 ... 's earningd rose 27 percent during the first halfof boosted...... on August 2, 2007 ... 's earningxs rose 30 percent in the first quarterof 2007, on May 4, 2007 ... posteds earnings of $335 million for 2006, up more than 12 on February 20, 2007 ... earnedf $249.8 million in the first nine montha ofthe year...... on November 3, 2006 ... made donatione recently to fight breast cancetand hunger. CoBank donated $10...... by on September 1, 2006 ... earnede $79.6 million in the first quarter, whichu ended March 31......
on May 8, 2006 ...Douglazs D. Sims, CEO of , will retirse June 30 after 37 years of service tothe Farm...... on December 14, 2005 ... , a bank that lends mainlhy to cooperatives and FarmCredit Associations, announced...... on Marchj 10, 2005 ...Greenwood Village-based rurapl cooperative bank posted first-quarter net incomde of $72 million, a 3.6 on May 17, 2004 ...Usually "below the rada r screen" means "small." But Englewood-based gets little attention among Denver-area banks because it's different -- by on April 2, 2004 ...a division of Memphis-bases First Tennessee National Corp., has partneref with , a $25 billion cooperative bank that specializes in lending andleasinvg services......
on December 17, 2001

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