Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Report: More CEOs are staying put - Wichita Business Journal:
There were 107 CEO resignations in June compared to 115 the mont h before and 126 departures in June according to a new report from outplacemen firm This was the fifth time this year that monthly CEO turnoverf was lower than the corresponding monthin 2008. Overall, CEO departures have declinesd 16 percent from ayear ago. Companies have announcedd just 607 CEO changes through the first half of thelowest six-month total since 2004, when 356 CEO exit were recorded. "Chief-executive departures are definitely trending downward aftera record-settingg year in 2008," said Challenger, Gray & Christmas CEO John A.
"There remains a lot of uncertainty abouf how long this recession will last and how much damag e itwill cause. With the future so unclear, boardds may be trying to maintainsome stability," Challengeer said. According to the report, only six industriex have seen more CEO departures this year than througghJune 2008: Energy, Food, Transportation, Automotive and Aerospace/Defense.

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