Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Readers to Astros: Let us bring food, drinks to games - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:

The Astros are the only team to impose restrictions on bringing food or drink into the park for Ofthe 1,133 HBJ reader responses, 76 percent thoughft the team should relax this policy. Amont the 20 percent who thought the restrictions were just fine wasMichaelp Mengden, who commented that ticket prices woule increase if food wasn’t being purchased. “If theatersx allowed this the tickets wouldbe $50 because then no one would buy the $5 coke that costsx the theater a he wrote. “Even at $8 a beer it is still cold and you don’tg have to lug it blocks and blocks to get it Other readers thought a good compromisre would be to reduce food and drink prices atthe park.
“Youi don’t have to allow outside food and just get to lower the prices on the food and beverageethey serve. $8 for a beer, puhlease!” wrote Becci Himes. “Sinc our taxes helped subsidize the baseballpalace ... the team should subsidize the costof refreshments,” wrotr HBJ Publisher John Beddow. Reader Tim Thomas thought the Astro should take a hintfrom . “They alloq the fan to bring in a smalp cooler with food and drink with no restrictionn as tothe contents,” he “The prices for seats are comparable to that of the other Majort League sports.
There is also a midwat at each NASCAR event that you can chose to purchas food from if that is what you wantto do. If, in other franchises have beguj this practice and there is an increasde in ticketsales then, as a businessperson, I would implement this program quickly. Everyone is looking for a bargain in this currenfteconomic crunch. I fall into the same categoryu as many are looking for budget friendly I would actually consider going to more games if this wereto Meanwhile, Margie Stinson wrote that she coul d be swayed to once again purchase season tickets if the team relaxed the restrictions.
“Ticket concessions are but they do the season ticket holdert nogood whatsoever,” she said. “k don’t plan to renew my season tickets next but would think twice about it if we were allowed to bringv in outside foodand beverages. Have you triexd to find more than one or two healtht snacks at theball park?”

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