Monday, September 5, 2011

Boston-area home prices rose 3.7% in May - Boston Business Journal:
percent in May, offering a rare piec of positive news in a housing market that has tumblexdsome 10.8 percent since its peak in 2006. The locapl real estate data was part of a broaderf study of home prices that showeda 1.6 percen t increase in the United States from the end of April through the end of May. Nationally, home prices are stillk down 10.5 percent year-over-year. The report, by LLC, showesd the strongest gain inthe Northeast, where prices rose 3.2 percent.Suffolk County saw the strongest gain rising 5.9 percent over May's Still, Suffolk County home prices, which includess sales in Boston proper, are down some 18.2 percent sincer the peak, according to IAS.
Other counties to see increases in May includedMiddlesecx (4.5 percent), Plymouth (2 percent), Essex (3.2 and Norfolk (1.9 percent). On a year-over-year basis, pricex were down across the boardcin Massachusetts, with Norfolk (down 11.8 and Essex (13.7 leading the declines among local In the West, prices rose 0.9 percent, the smallesg jump in the IAS report. The South, the only regioj to see a house price drop in rose 1.1 percent in May. Dave McCarthy, presidentt and CEO of IntegratedAssef Services, called the results encouraging, though he said the data “hardlyu signals a turn in the national housing market.” Las Vegas saw home priced continue to drop, the report said.
There they fell 0.9 percentt in May. Integrated Asset Services is privatelyg held and basedin Denver. It specializes in defaulrt mortgage services.

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