Friday, September 16, 2011

Clear: No refunds - Houston Business Journal:
On its Web site, blamed its financial conditionb for its inability to handout refunds. The company shut down its lanes at and other airports on Mondauy night because it failed to come to termd with a major New York-based Verified Identity Pass said earlier this week it “hass been unable to negotiate an agreement with its senior creditor to continud operations.” Last March, the companyu reported 20,000 registered travelers in metro Atlanta. Clear memberas paid up to $199 for an annual membership for accesz to designated security lanes at participatingairportz nationwide.
Members provided biometric data, which was encoded on a for the promise of a speedier and convenientf trip through airport CLEAR lanes opened at the airporf about the same time as an expansion of the main securitt lanesat Hartsfield-Jackson. The new additions includede lanes designed specifically forexperienced travelers. Airport officiala have said the added lanez have kept security wait times beloe 10 minuteson average, whicj might have made CLEAR lanes less advantageous to In other company news, Verified Identity Pass said applicanf and member data is currently secured in accordance with the ’d Security, Privacy and Compliance Standards.
It said it will continuw to secure such information and will take appropriat steps to deletethe information.

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