Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tech companies help clients win stimulus funds - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
By helping their clients get some ofthe $100 billion in federal stimulus money earmarked for technologyu spending, companies like , , and hope to stem an expected revenue decline as corporations and institutions cancel projectw in the economic downturn. Cisco Systems Inc. (NASDAQ:CSCO) has set up with videods and links to information on what fundsa are available and how to IBM (NYSE:IBM) is offering a software program designex to help companies monitor how they're spending stimulusz funds and has held online seminarz on how federal funds are being distributed.
Its efforts were criticizecd last month, however, by labor groupzs who said it was trying to capitalizw on federal tech stimulus spending whilesendingy U.S. jobs to India. The Wall Streer Journal reports that Oracle has also scheduled an event for this month in whichn it will offer advice on how to winstimuluzs money, while Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) has trained sales staff to help customerzs apply for funding. , whichn is supported by funds from a numbet of tech companies in the partneredwith Washington, D.C.
-based LLC on a March 27 symposium on stimulus “Even the most sophisticatefd organizations are still tryinv to get their arms aroun d the stimulus funding because they realize this is an incredibls business opportunity,” said Al Gordon, CEO of Nationaol Strategies.

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