Sunday, September 18, 2011

Finding reasons, solutions when buying decisions are put on hold - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The challenge is determining if the delah is adisguised objection, an unresolved concern, an excusde or real. Most how can you get to the truth and move thesale forward? Buyers are like Wall Street: Neither likes Understanding risk can help you smooth the progress toward a Caution is an indication of risk and it’s rampant right now. Sellers become too, not wanting to hear a negative But consider that getting a negative decision now is bettef than getting one after investing energy and resources pursuing a prospect for weekds oreven months.
Try facilitating a discussion around best-case and worst-case What is the worsgt case if theydo nothing, and what is the best case if they move forward? What is the worst-case scenario if they buy now, and what is the best case if they delah the decision? Having this conversation gives you the opportunity to influence theitr thought process and provide input into the scenarios. Threre common themes emerge as reasons fordelayed decisions, whic are incomplete or poor initial qualification, unansweresd concerns and changes in priorities. Where you are, what to do Did you just take the prospect’zs word that they coulds benefit fromwhat you’re selling?
Qualifying the need means gaining evidencs that their situation justifies the purchase. For everyone wants new office furniture, but how does not buyingy it now affectthe company? It coulde range from lost productivity to poor market image to no effect at all. If there’ds evidence of significant impact, the urgency to make a purchaseis It’s also important to acquire the perspectiv of all involved decisiohn makers to identify roadblocks.
It’s rare for everyone to agreew on needs and priorities within a Withoutthis information, it’s difficult to implemenft a strategy to move Opportunities that need funding or that are waiting for fundinf are less likely to closwe than those that have a budgety allocated. Risk-adverse sellers avoid having the early crucial conversationa about budgetsand money. Hoping that traditional benefits will carryu the decision is riskier than having a direct and franlk discussion about the investment requirements early in thesalew process. There is a difference between not having the budget and being unwilling to invesrtthe budget.
One is a logistical problekm while the other is a perceiveedvalue problem. You can’t fix logistics, but you can address In a cautionary climate, you must run an game and qualify thoroughly. A presentatioj or proposal that is prematurse will automatically generatea stall. Buyers unconsciously go through three major phasesof First, they evaluate if they have a need that is severde enough to fix. Once a need is clear, the assessmen of options occurs.

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