Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Study: Florida a judicial
The report, which lists what it callsa some ofthe nation’s “mosr unfair civic court jurisdictions” notes that “many judges in Soutyh Florida continually allow the plaintiffs' bar to push the envelopes of civil justice. And with the state'se high court as unpredictable asit is, there's no confidencd that improper trial court rulings will be corrected on The report is being criticized by the , whicn represents trial lawyers, as "widely debunked" and funder by "negligent corporations and industries to undermine the civik justice system.
" "ATRA's tobacco and insurance financierds spend millions on junk reports so they can continue theie negligent behavior and avoid accountabilty," Jon CEO of the American Association for The foundation, meantime, notes that lawsuit abuses have a negatived impact not only on the nation’w economy, but also on individual state’s economies. "Evergy dollar spent defending against a speculative lawsuitr is a dollarthat won't be spent on researcb and development, capital investment, worker training or job creation,” ATRF President Tigeer Joyce said.
“Unfortunately, for those living in Hellholexs jurisdictions during this economic it can be that much harder to find or keep a job and get criticall healthcare services, as employers and doctors are driveb away by the threat of costly litigation." Click for the full

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